At that salary the marginal rate is closer to 9%, with promises it will go over 10% after 2017. And no mortgage interest deductions, no charitable contribution deduction and limited real estate tax deduction.
Holy cow your tax codes suck. I thought Ohio was bad but damn.
I'd rather not use flood salary as a marker, but I bet the Admin does.
I can't wait to see the lines of coaching candidates when Flood is fired (if)
Not a knock on Shciano or a plug for Flood but I don't see him winning more the 9 in 2012 or 8 in 2014. He may have done slightly better in 13 and maybe this year. That just isn't enough of an improvement for me to have wished he stayed.if flood gets canned, I hope we don't get what many of the same grass is greener crowd wished when they wanted greg out--I laugh to think so many on here wanted him out now pray for his return--I can honestly say I told you so.