We at RPS just celebrated our "Independence Day" which celebrated our separation from Rutgers University a while back, so there is no official connection between the schools any longer. We send a lot of our kids to Rutgers but rarely our best and brightest. A lot of kids here just want to get out of the state. We're like a feeder school to NYU, Boston U, Northeastern, and a slew of regional schools big and small. Despite my best efforts kids still go to Penn State from even though I disavow them after I learn this. But once again, kids here generally want to leave the state especially when they have options.
I say this because I am doubtful that we'll have a great shot with kids like Trey. The good news is that Trey had a chance to go anywhere for high school but chose to stay here. A couple of kids that left for St. Joe's (Metuchen) came back to play high school ball here too. Maybe there is a sort of local loyalty brewing but we'll see. These kids also aren't really full of themselves either and the support system here is very good. We don't take it easy on these kids academically so if they end up with decent grades trust me they earned them.