Semi-OT: Hudson is NJ's fastest growing county


Oct 17, 2007
Followed by Bergen, Middlesex, and Union.

Seems like NYC and public transportation access are continuing to dictate where New Jerseyans live.

As usual, Sussex was the biggest loser.

All good news for New Brunswick.

Article on census
Fine by me.

Monmouth is closed. Like Tuscany, there is nothing there for you.
There will be more growth in the next few years in Asbury and Red Bank. I saw the other night on the news they want to charge $1200 a year to park in Asbury. JC and Hoboken a street permit is $15!!!
Public transportation probably more than NYC. The growth in population in lthese areas has been fueled quite a bit by immigrantion not NYC workforce.
Right. But immigrants also move close to jobs. Hudson also sees a lot of Americans from outside NJ coming in.

Just imagine what would happen if we saw that investment in PT across the state. How many jobs could a NB light rail or the MOM line or HBLR expansion into Bergen or the 7 extension into NJ create?
I would argue it is due to millennials saying "no thanks" to suburbia life and choosing to live closer to, or in major cities.

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