Sen. Lesniak Comments on CVS


Hall of Famer
Jul 26, 2001
Failure is not an option.

Hopefully the momentum does not fade, keep the ball rolling. Get people together and work on this.

I'm so glad I didn't open this to find he had backed off because Vivian came on so strong. I like this guy even more now! Maybe this really will get some legs to it.
Hopefully something positive can come about from this. Just about every state university in the country except Rutgers has a nice basketball arena and a practice facility. If New Jersey would just do a fraction of what other states do for their state universities we would be in decent shape. New Jersey really does very little to promote our state universities athletic programs.
NJ has difficulty keeping up with filling pot holes and other infrastructure concerns.There simply aren't enough people interested in Rutgers athletics to sustain momentum especially when it comes to finding a funding source.