Got it. Since most of what you have presented are ad hominem attacks and you have not pointed to any specific evidence, I will assume you are not aware of any transitional fossils proving the theory of evolution above the species level. Thanks.
Science is science. I don't know why you interjected religion and all that hate speech. Seems pretty bigoted. Either there are fossils to support RutgersMo's statements above or not. I would expect we would have lots of examples in the fossil record, if the theory is true. Yet that does not appear to be the case.
On the other hand, you seem confident that "micro and macro evolution are identical processes," equally provable. Yet in absence of a supporting fossil record, your faith in the theory of evolution above the species level appears to be blind and unfounded.
By the way, no one here attacked you personally. No one in this thread brought up God, except you. Why do you have so much hate for a God you do not believe exists? Is there anything else that you believe does not exist that you hate so much?
You seem awfully high strung. Please take a few deep breaths and relax.