UCONN's BB grad rate at 20%

I am just asking how far you take it. You said you don't care if the players graduate as long as they win. I wonder if you care if they are criminals as long as they win.
Damn right. They simply don't measure up to "Rutgers men".
Damn right. They simply don't measure up to "Rutgers men".

I think it's a very objective thing that you're asking. Allen iverson got to play college ball after a bowling alley brawl . Lawrence Phillips got to play after throwing his girl down the stairs . And the coaches that decided to play these guys are two of the most respected guys of their era - john Thompson and Tom Osborne.
Each situation is different and the better the player the more leeway he gets
The middle ground is you play to win . You put up with more bs from the better players and coaches
Those numbers were from the 2005-2008, classes. Those were the classes that lead to our APR ban. Two months after winning the most recent national championship we had 4 players graduate including Shabazz Napier. Of course if you create fake classes, and give out A's more players would graduate. So I don't know, I would think fake classes would be worse than reporting real numbers but at the end of the day, steps have been taken to rectify the situation.
I don't care, 15 kids that make the school millions.
I would love to have a rockin RAC, with a great basketball team, I don't care if none of them graduate .

Wow !
We definitely have different ideas as to what the Rutgers program should represent.
I'm guessing Zappaa is not a Rutgers grad .....or a college grad...period.
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Zap, don't you work with underprivileged teens? Why is this different? Are college players commodities to you, good while they have eligibility and can help a school win, then disposable? I'm surprised.
What the heck,
Zap, kids who are skipping classes after the end of FB season aren't going to remain eligible.

In order to remain eligible you need to continually take classes and make progress toward your degree. To remain eligible, you need to successfully complete 40% of the coursework required for your degree by the end of your second year, 60% by the end of your third year, and 80% by the end of your fourth year. To count as a graduate in the graduation statistics, you must complete 100% to graduate by the end of your sixth year.
I'm talking about seniors on target to graduate who know they can always go back, but quit school after football season.
Zap, don't you work with underprivileged teens? Why is this different? Are college players commodities to you, good while they have eligibility and can help a school win, then disposable? I'm surprised.
Do you consider offering a kid a free education and opportunity to get a degree a disposable commoditiy?
We work with kids constantly, we provide opportunity. Some take complete advantage, some don't
to say some people's priorities are out of whack is an understatement--winning is" all " that matters??-so I guess whore houses, fake classes,cheating, zero grad rates as well as texting a prof to assist a key DB is fine as long as you win--
I'd be happy with:

90% graduation rate & NCAAs at least once every 4 years
85% & NCAAs every year
80% & NCAA with 1st round wins
75% & Sweet 16 teams
70% & Final Four talent
65% & National Title talent (knowing more than half the kids have legit shots to make decent money playing basketball, at home or abroad).
Do you consider offering a kid a free education and opportunity to get a degree a disposable commoditiy?
We work with kids constantly, we provide opportunity. Some take complete advantage, some don't
Thanks for the clarification. Your previous posts sound like you would be just as happy if none of them take advantage of their opportunity as if they all do. I would say schools that do not encourage their players to work towards a degree and are satisfied so long as they do the minimum to stay eligible are definitely treating those players as commodities. Read these stories from USA Today a few years back:

From the first article: this is a former Kansas State player talking:

"The whole time I was at Kansas State, I felt stuck — stuck in football, stuck in my major. … It was a stupid effort on my part. I wouldn't advise any other athlete to do that. I'd tell them to choose a career — a real career for their life after football and work toward it. Don't let anybody or anything take you off that path. Don't fool yourselves into thinking (you're) going to play (sports) professionally.

"Now I look back and say, 'Well, what did I really go to college for? Crap classes you won't use the rest of your life?' Social science is really nothing specific. … I was majoring in football."

Me again: I don't want Rutgers' players drifting through their eligibility and majoring in football.
Go to college but doesn't matter if you graduate? WTF?
Why do you ask?
I don't care about graduation rates, there will be some kids that take advantage and some that don't, if they stay eligible it means their students , I don't give a rats ass if they graduate, if they do congratulations.
You want state pride, full arenas and a boat load of friends of the like UCONN

No thanks. I'd rather do like Stanford.

I ask because it is an obvious question. I'm guessing you didn't. I am also guessing playing pro ball affords you a different lifestyle than the kid who played D1 sports and didn't graduate from school or make it professionally.

So yea, I care enough to say, that as a Rutgers alum and someone with a college degree, having one is important. Rutgers University is, after all, a school. Go play sports but it doesn't matter if you graduate? Hopefully, you are teaching your kids differently than what you are saying on this board, because it is the worst advice I have ever heard.

And if you don't care about it for obvious reasons, care because the NCAA now penalizes schools wh don't graduate kids.
What the heck,

I'm talking about seniors on target to graduate who know they can always go back, but quit school after football season.

Yeah. There's not much you can do about them if they decide not to graduate. I think it is a shame to put in 4 years toward a degree, be on track to earn it, and drop out before completion. That's on the kids. Heck, even Eddie Jordan left Rutgers for the NBA 6 credits shy of a degree (which he has since earned).

But if kids take the classes, and progress toward a degree without doing the final 10-20% to actually earn the piece of paper, they still get the benefits of the 80% coursework they successfully completed. If you believe that the purpose of a college education is to learn, then their education is not wasted even though it is not as complete as one would hope.

That is very different than what happened at UConn, where the kids were not even completing the coursework (which is why UConn was hit with the APR penalties). Some in this thread seem to be advocating that it doesn't matter if student-athletes attend classes or not, as long as they win. And at that point, to me, they are no longer student-athletes so I might as well just root for the Giants.
What the heck,

I'm talking about seniors on target to graduate who know they can always go back, but quit school after football season.

That statement comes out looking a whole lot different ( to me)than this one:
>zappaa said:
"I don't care, 15 kids that make the school millions.
I would love to have a rockin RAC, with a great basketball team, I don't care if none of them graduate ."<

Glad you clarified it so I can see what you meant and not that you didn't care about their using
the scholarship they were given, because of athletic talent, to work towards earning a degree that could help them in the business world, if they don't make the pros.
I suppose if UConn didn't have basketball cash they would just chase Chinese students even harder (for higher tuition). That's all the rage at most colleges as they struggle to pay professors to teach about things like bathroom oppression and insect rights (they are sentient beings according to RU law prof). There's hardly anything respectable about colleges anymore.

But - at least RU turned out one good citizen. He made another video showing "highly ranked" colleges like Oberlin and Vassar helping a student shred a US Constitution that they found "oppressive" and "triggering". I think college should shut down half their courses and spend more pimping sports. It's less destructive at this point