What a Real Head Coach Does When Players Are Attacked


Dec 30, 2008

Here's all that kid did: he goes to class, he's respectful to the media, he's respectful to the public, and he's a good kid. And he's not a professional athlete, and he doesn't deserve to be kicked when he's down.

As I recall, the conference was widely panned and mocked (even by Bobby Reid, the player he was talking about...) , but..

If you were one of his players, wouldn't you run through a wall for him?

You know what that the effects of that spark, that fire, was?
“It’s really helped our team,” Gundy said. “It’s funny. In recruiting, it’s faded out over the last three or four years. Two, three, four years afterward, I would go into homes to recruit — I remember being on the East Coast, and one of the players’ grandmothers came in and brought that up and talked about it for a couple minutes, then got up and left. She just wanted to talk about our willingness to support our players.

And we have mealy mouth Flood, who has run the bus over his players numerous times in post game interviews..

Leaving all else aside, would you want to play for "I'm a man" or "I don't want to say it was the freshmen on defense's fault, but.."
And that summarizes so much that is wrong with Flood.. no fire about the things he should have fire about

If he was upset about Laviano's treatment all season, he should have addressed it (without throwing Retting under the bus)..

What he did, through his words and actions, was to pour gasoline on it
You can't defend one player by throwing another under the bus. That's an absolute lack of leadership and only fans of fires
You can't defend one player by throwing another under the bus. That's an absolute lack of leadership and only fans of fires

It shows that Flood didn't care about Laviano or Rettig, only that his decision making was being questioned