Which one of you made these?

Best sign I saw yesterday was on Game Day at james madison.. It read I'd rather leave my kid at Penn St. than root for Richmond.
Harvard Univ. Cambridge, Mass. 1636
Coll. of William & Mary Williamsburg, Va. 1693
Yale Univ. New Haven, Conn. 1701
Princeton Univ. Princeton, N.J. 1746
Columbia Univ. New York City 1754
Univ. of Penn. Philadelphia, Penn. 1757* (1740,1749??)
Brown Univ. Providence, R.I. 1764
Rutgers New Brunswick, N.J. 1766
Dartmouth Coll. Hanover, N.H. 1769
2 out of 3 of those signs were made last year and are on display every week. My dad does signs for every game. Appearently this was popular on Twitter yesterday.
those signs were made by the Yellow Lot Savages. Always in the front row of the Yellow Lot They have different signs posted every week relating to the team we are playing. The 2 signs about NJ and Rutgers were up at all the B1G games last year to do a little education to our new B1G partners. @WhiteBus knows them. I'm not sure if any of them post here.
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Rutgers had at least one shutout in eight consecutive seasons, not nine. 2006-2013.