This post might be inappropriate, especially since I'm an outsider. Please delete if so.
So, yesterday afternoon I was psyched to see what the Rutgers atmosphere would look like, given the excitement, and planned on checking out some of the game. Besides, football season is starting. So I re-activated my YouTube TV subscription.
Then, at 6:00 p.m, I fired it up (in Atlantic City), only to be told that I couldn't watch the game because I wasn't in my home location (or whatever term they use). I guess the first time I established the account, years ago, I did it from my place up by Philadelphia. Last night was in Atlantic City. So it's like the big wooden console TV we had growing up -- it only works in that one place?
It wasn't always this way. I've had no problem turning on games via YouTube TV from all over the place in the past. About a year ago I missed a flight in Atlanta, sat up all night in the terminal working, and finished it off at dawn with an episode of "Better Call Saul." So this is definitely new.
Does anybody know if I am misunderstanding? Otherwise, YTV is useless to me and I will cancel my subscription. I buy it so I can use it on my computer, wherever me and and my computer are. Period.
Thank you...
* edited to mention that it was "Better Call Saul", not "Breaking Bad", and it was actually two years ago...
So, yesterday afternoon I was psyched to see what the Rutgers atmosphere would look like, given the excitement, and planned on checking out some of the game. Besides, football season is starting. So I re-activated my YouTube TV subscription.
Then, at 6:00 p.m, I fired it up (in Atlantic City), only to be told that I couldn't watch the game because I wasn't in my home location (or whatever term they use). I guess the first time I established the account, years ago, I did it from my place up by Philadelphia. Last night was in Atlantic City. So it's like the big wooden console TV we had growing up -- it only works in that one place?
It wasn't always this way. I've had no problem turning on games via YouTube TV from all over the place in the past. About a year ago I missed a flight in Atlanta, sat up all night in the terminal working, and finished it off at dawn with an episode of "Better Call Saul." So this is definitely new.
Does anybody know if I am misunderstanding? Otherwise, YTV is useless to me and I will cancel my subscription. I buy it so I can use it on my computer, wherever me and and my computer are. Period.
Thank you...
* edited to mention that it was "Better Call Saul", not "Breaking Bad", and it was actually two years ago...
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