Do cashstrapped Cowboys now look to Ray Rice?


Mar 15, 2007
Jerry Jones has been known to gamble, they have a huge hole to fill and can offer a very team friendly contract, on the field I'm sure Ray has another good year or 2 left in him, especially behind a very good line.
I hope not. I hate the Cowboys. Would like to see the Giants or Jets sign him as a backup / co starter for 500k or something short of his true value. He is damaged goods because of the incident so he may be signing on the cheap.
I want to root for RR...a move to the cowgirls would put the kibosh on that!

G Men!!!
There are way too many good RBs coming out in the draft this year, and several free agents available. When all is said and done, I think Adrian Peterson may wind up there. Sadly, I think Ray Rice is done in the NFL. Too toxic. Why take on that PR nightmare.
I think RR gets his shot when a team's 3rd down back gets hurt (or is nor producing) during the season. As a smart veteran he would ramp up on the playbook quickly and could be counted on to pick up blitzes more reliably than a rookie.
Cranford I see your point on the toxic element of Ray Rice of course but then you mention the Cowboys getting Adrian Peterson, isn't his reputation as bad or I'd say worse than Ray's? In a long line of terrible things to do I would put violence against children at top followed closely by violence against women.
Whether it's the cowGIRLS or someone else, RR will get his last shot...if a team feels he will contribute, he'll suit up...
Boys sign McFadden - He will be on IR by Week 4.
I don't understand why the Jets wouldn't take him. They'll sign 2 aging CBs, and an aging WR but won't take a RB?? not like there isn't a GLARING hole at RB either....
I think you have to see where Ravens coaches have landed....if any have moved. They would be the character support that RR will need politically to help him get a shot somewhere.
Ray Rice will be a post draft signing but doubt he'll be be coming to Ny. It is too big of a media market.
Ray Rice will be a post draft signing but doubt he'll be be coming to Ny. It is too big of a media market.
Originally posted by PatrickRU92:
I don't understand why the Jets wouldn't take him. They'll sign 2 aging CBs, and an aging WR but won't take a RB?? not like there isn't a GLARING hole at RB either....
Jets don't have a glaring hole at RB.