GAME 20 Nebraska: If there ever was a gut check moment for the season....


Gold Member
Jul 30, 2001
Belle Mead NJ
If Rutgers does put themselves in a position to compete for a NCAA tournament bid, the final 6:30 minutes tonight will be remembered for seizing the moment during troubled times. This was an exasperating game. Perhaps one of the worst games played between two Big 10 schools this season. There is no doubt Rutgers played atrociously for much of the game and once again came out listless and then consistently wouldnt get out of their own way. Nebraska was pretty bad on their own. Shooting just 29% in the first half and letting RU scrap back to just a 3 point deficit at half. Nebby shot a dismal 29% and relied on basically one player to do everything abandoning any real team concept. Riding Bryce McGowins who had 29 on just 6-17 shooting but 14-18 at the line. Nebraska was begging and stealing for RU to take this game.

Make no apologies for RU stealing this late. The reason why Nebraska and Northwestern have been at the bottom for the past couple years is losing teams lose.....they will find all kinds of ways to lose. Nebraska melted down late, couldnt hit a shot to save its life and turned it over repeatedly in big moments. However as bad as RU was and thats not for this thread, you can read all the negativity from me and others in that thread...across the board no shows from the starting 5 and mind numbing rotation and coaching...despite all that RU played wonderfully in that last 6 and half minutes to win the game. Every single player who crapped the bed in the first half stepped up when it mattered backs against the wall. Pikiell stepped it up in two areas, having his charges try to draw fouls that put them in the one and one fairly early. Pikiell also deserves ENORMOUS credit for trusting in Mag and benching Caleb for basically the last 10 minutes or so. That a key move that paid off in the end. Doing the same thing hitting your head against the wall and expecting a different result or let Mag roll and rock and roll he didl Mag was a difference maker in the first half. 6 points, hit all 3 of his shots, seemed to be around every play but unfortunately his minutes were limited. Pike still loyal to the starters to deliver but that just wasnt happening especially with Ron and Paul. After Ron, Paul and Caleb were still struggling, Mag kept us afloat with energy and grabbing boards getting to the free throw line and perhaps the catalyst to saving the season was a rebound off a Baker miss for two free throws that go RU to 51-45. Mag got pulled after a mistake after a rebound fouling while Ron was still spinning his wheels and I thought it was a really bad move by Pike. Fortunately Pike made the right move reinserting Mag in the lineup. He didnt play the whole 6:30 but Mag had 5 points and 4 rebounds including a monstrous 3 to answer Nebby and bring RU to 58-57. Mag hauled down a critical rebound off a McGowin missed 3 and on the ensuing possession, RU would take the lead and never lose it. Then when Nebby had a chance to take the lead with 14 seconds, some outstanding defense by Cliff was followed by the rebound of the game by Mag who flipped it to Ron who was fouled and sank the free throws that clinched the game. Mag coming out party tonight. He is a guy that can be an X factor. I have been back and forth with him because his play coming back since getting popped in the mouth had not been good. Today 13 points, 4-4 shooting, 4-4 at the line, 7 boards, 1 assist, 1 block. The kid may have saved everything for the seniors.

If not for Mag, RU would not be in the game but if not for the play of Geo, Ron, Paul and Cliff in those last 5 minutes, RU would not have won the game. The classic Jekyll and Hyde seniors. A lot of talk about leadership and showing up yet they were following the same recipe to oblivion for the first 30 minutes of the game. Ron was awol with everything, his shot, his defense, fouling, his mental game. Nothing was going right. Geo was bricking everything. Paul inexplicably was taking 3 after 3 to no success. Throw in Caleb who was just having a dreadful overall game and yikes it really looked like we could right the post mortem for this era. Geo Baker for some reason loves the thrill of the crowd of the big moment. Geo turned it up on both ends. Getting a few steals and then hit a couple of jumpers to get RU to within 4. In a little over 3 minutes, Geo had 8 points, 3 rebounds and 2 steals. Geo was delivering and for all the hemming and hawing we did in the game thread, Geo proved us wrong. When he shows, he shows big. Playmaker indeed. His flip to Ron for the 3 that got RU to 55-54 was classic Geo and Ron. At the 4 minute mark, RU was within 1 and yeah Rutgers was saving their season. If Ron was only going to make one fg this game that was the one to hit in an otherwise dismal stat line of 1-9, 3 turnovers and 4 fouls. It was sort of fitting that it was Ron who hit the game winning clinchers at the line and I mean they were effortlessly if you rewatch that 2nd free throw. Ron knew the moment. Going to mention Paul here because it was his awareness off a Geo miss to violently fight for that board...pure will and fight. Paul would go right back up with it and give RU their first lead of the game at 61-60 lead with 90 seconds remaining, Paul despite a wobbly first half ended up with 10 points, 5 boards and 4 steals. Cliff never got going offensively but his defense today was outstanding. 9 boards and 4 blocks, Cliff was a monster in the paint swatting off Nebraska denying Mc Gowins time after time in crunch time. Led by Cliff at the rim and Paul and Geo poking into the passing lanes, the Rutgers defense that we all know and love, locked in and loaded that last 6 and half minutes giving Nebby allowing only one fg and contesting virtually everything they did. RU put the pressue on Nebby and they cracked. Losing teams to do that but RU had everything to do with it.

I was pulling out my hair about Pikiell in the game thread. Nebraska was/is terrible. Let us come out and say it. The mindset of this game was the same as always and as much as you blame the players you have to blame the coach as well as its happening alot. RU looked like dysfunctional on offense and unprepared again to be up to the challlenge of even competing. I hated Pike's lineup at times in the first half because there was too much wholesale subbing...Miller/Paul/Jones/Reiber/Palm....was that really the lineup at one point??? I am pretty sure it was unless someone wants to correct me. I thought Mag needed to play more and after hitting 3 shots, he was inexplicably yanked for more Ron/Caleb/Paul and that combo was just not working. It was clear Mag needed to play in the 2nd half but would Pike do it. As said before, I thought Pike made all the right moves and adjustments in the 2nd half, whether it was to implore his team to get in the paint to draw fouls, the trust in Mag, the yanking of Caleb in crunch time, the way he was able to get his team back to playing their trademark defense. It was a truly a thread the needle win given we were dead in the water where a 6 point deficit seemed like a 14 point margin. I know Pike loves these grind out type wins and that is why is hair is gray now. RU had no business being life and death with the Cornhuskers. It does not have to be so hard but here they were with one last shot to salvage the season. As much as they frustrate us, you have to tip the cap to them, at least for one more day, this team is not ready to pack it in. It is truly a mystery novel that only the players can answer their wild swings not only from game to game but from 5 minute stretches in games. When they are good, they are very good bad and when they are bad, they are stinky.

Take the win and run. RU is 6-4 and gets their 2nd road win. No style points at this point in the season. RU is what it is. This is no time for cookies and milk to celebrate. I think this team will have to look inward at how fortunate they were tonight. The win does not solve the issues but is another chance for this bunch to learn from their mistakes. How many lives do they have left? I told you about that rollercoaster before didn't I
Yeah agree with you and it seems to be in every one of your recaps and that’s the mind numbing substitution/rotations every game and throw in his undevoted love for Jalen Miller who should not see the floor the rest of the year
Yeah agree with you and it seems to be in every one of your recaps and that’s the mind numbing substitution/rotations every game and throw in his undevoted love for Jalen Miller who should not see the floor the rest of the year

yup, I dont mind those players playing... I mean Palm did hit one of our only three 3s but its the combo of players, then you Jaden Jones in for almost 5 minutes and he cannot get any touches or shots...and I do not want Jalen Miller shooting..ever. Miller is going to need time. He is playing too fast for right now. He should have been playing in some of the cupcakes. I guarantee you if he played vs Lafayette, RU wins that game. He is a role player but he cannot be a foul machine and his T is just a bad play that really could have cost least the 2nd time too, Pike has to be on him about that.
Great post as always BAC! Mag won the game now survive and advance and keep winning
one thing I forgot to mention in my recap....TURNOVERS....I think RU had 8 in the first half but only 3 in the 2nd. Nebby had maybe 7 at half and finished with 15 boards, if you are not winning the battle of the boards and are struggling to get a shot, turning your opponent over will do wonders. RU elevated their defense in the last 7 minutes getting the turnovers which put a bad Nebby defense in a vulnerable spot and we attacked, You dont beat Nebby by thinking you can just make some 3s.
If Rutgers does put themselves in a position to compete for a NCAA tournament bid, the final 6:30 minutes tonight will be remembered for seizing the moment during troubled times. This was an exasperating game. Perhaps one of the worst games played between two Big 10 schools this season. There is no doubt Rutgers played atrociously for much of the game and once again came out listless and then consistently wouldnt get out of their own way. Nebraska was pretty bad on their own. Shooting just 29% in the first half and letting RU scrap back to just a 3 point deficit at half. Nebby shot a dismal 29% and relied on basically one player to do everything abandoning any real team concept. Riding Bryce McGowins who had 29 on just 6-17 shooting but 14-18 at the line. Nebraska was begging and stealing for RU to take this game.

Make no apologies for RU stealing this late. The reason why Nebraska and Northwestern have been at the bottom for the past couple years is losing teams lose.....they will find all kinds of ways to lose. Nebraska melted down late, couldnt hit a shot to save its life and turned it over repeatedly in big moments. However as bad as RU was and thats not for this thread, you can read all the negativity from me and others in that thread...across the board no shows from the starting 5 and mind numbing rotation and coaching...despite all that RU played wonderfully in that last 6 and half minutes to win the game. Every single player who crapped the bed in the first half stepped up when it mattered backs against the wall. Pikiell stepped it up in two areas, having his charges try to draw fouls that put them in the one and one fairly early. Pikiell also deserves ENORMOUS credit for trusting in Mag and benching Caleb for basically the last 10 minutes or so. That a key move that paid off in the end. Doing the same thing hitting your head against the wall and expecting a different result or let Mag roll and rock and roll he didl Mag was a difference maker in the first half. 6 points, hit all 3 of his shots, seemed to be around every play but unfortunately his minutes were limited. Pike still loyal to the starters to deliver but that just wasnt happening especially with Ron and Paul. After Ron, Paul and Caleb were still struggling, Mag kept us afloat with energy and grabbing boards getting to the free throw line and perhaps the catalyst to saving the season was a rebound off a Baker miss for two free throws that go RU to 51-45. Mag got pulled after a mistake after a rebound fouling while Ron was still spinning his wheels and I thought it was a really bad move by Pike. Fortunately Pike made the right move reinserting Mag in the lineup. He didnt play the whole 6:30 but Mag had 5 points and 4 rebounds including a monstrous 3 to answer Nebby and bring RU to 58-57. Mag hauled down a critical rebound off a McGowin missed 3 and on the ensuing possession, RU would take the lead and never lose it. Then when Nebby had a chance to take the lead with 14 seconds, some outstanding defense by Cliff was followed by the rebound of the game by Mag who flipped it to Ron who was fouled and sank the free throws that clinched the game. Mag coming out party tonight. He is a guy that can be an X factor. I have been back and forth with him because his play coming back since getting popped in the mouth had not been good. Today 13 points, 4-4 shooting, 4-4 at the line, 7 boards, 1 assist, 1 block. The kid may have saved everything for the seniors.

If not for Mag, RU would not be in the game but if not for the play of Geo, Ron, Paul and Cliff in those last 5 minutes, RU would not have won the game. The classic Jekyll and Hyde seniors. A lot of talk about leadership and showing up yet they were following the same recipe to oblivion for the first 30 minutes of the game. Ron was awol with everything, his shot, his defense, fouling, his mental game. Nothing was going right. Geo was bricking everything. Paul inexplicably was taking 3 after 3 to no success. Throw in Caleb who was just having a dreadful overall game and yikes it really looked like we could right the post mortem for this era. Geo Baker for some reason loves the thrill of the crowd of the big moment. Geo turned it up on both ends. Getting a few steals and then hit a couple of jumpers to get RU to within 4. In a little over 3 minutes, Geo had 8 points, 3 rebounds and 2 steals. Geo was delivering and for all the hemming and hawing we did in the game thread, Geo proved us wrong. When he shows, he shows big. Playmaker indeed. His flip to Ron for the 3 that got RU to 55-54 was classic Geo and Ron. At the 4 minute mark, RU was within 1 and yeah Rutgers was saving their season. If Ron was only going to make one fg this game that was the one to hit in an otherwise dismal stat line of 1-9, 3 turnovers and 4 fouls. It was sort of fitting that it was Ron who hit the game winning clinchers at the line and I mean they were effortlessly if you rewatch that 2nd free throw. Ron knew the moment. Going to mention Paul here because it was his awareness off a Geo miss to violently fight for that board...pure will and fight. Paul would go right back up with it and give RU their first lead of the game at 61-60 lead with 90 seconds remaining, Paul despite a wobbly first half ended up with 10 points, 5 boards and 4 steals. Cliff never got going offensively but his defense today was outstanding. 9 boards and 4 blocks, Cliff was a monster in the paint swatting off Nebraska denying Mc Gowins time after time in crunch time. Led by Cliff at the rim and Paul and Geo poking into the passing lanes, the Rutgers defense that we all know and love, locked in and loaded that last 6 and half minutes giving Nebby allowing only one fg and contesting virtually everything they did. RU put the pressue on Nebby and they cracked. Losing teams to do that but RU had everything to do with it.

I was pulling out my hair about Pikiell in the game thread. Nebraska was/is terrible. Let us come out and say it. The mindset of this game was the same as always and as much as you blame the players you have to blame the coach as well as its happening alot. RU looked like dysfunctional on offense and unprepared again to be up to the challlenge of even competing. I hated Pike's lineup at times in the first half because there was too much wholesale subbing...Miller/Paul/Jones/Reiber/Palm....was that really the lineup at one point??? I am pretty sure it was unless someone wants to correct me. I thought Mag needed to play more and after hitting 3 shots, he was inexplicably yanked for more Ron/Caleb/Paul and that combo was just not working. It was clear Mag needed to play in the 2nd half but would Pike do it. As said before, I thought Pike made all the right moves and adjustments in the 2nd half, whether it was to implore his team to get in the paint to draw fouls, the trust in Mag, the yanking of Caleb in crunch time, the way he was able to get his team back to playing their trademark defense. It was a truly a thread the needle win given we were dead in the water where a 6 point deficit seemed like a 14 point margin. I know Pike loves these grind out type wins and that is why is hair is gray now. RU had no business being life and death with the Cornhuskers. It does not have to be so hard but here they were with one last shot to salvage the season. As much as they frustrate us, you have to tip the cap to them, at least for one more day, this team is not ready to pack it in. It is truly a mystery novel that only the players can answer their wild swings not only from game to game but from 5 minute stretches in games. When they are good, they are very good bad and when they are bad, they are stinky.

Take the win and run. RU is 6-4 and gets their 2nd road win. No style points at this point in the season. RU is what it is. This is no time for cookies and milk to celebrate. I think this team will have to look inward at how fortunate they were tonight. The win does not solve the issues but is another chance for this bunch to learn from their mistakes. How many lives do they have left? I told you about that rollercoaster before didn't I
Can I sub the cookies and milk for chocolate and bourbon?
Mag was excellent doing it all

Ron and Geo and did the absolute bare minimum to get a win but they did show up at the very end

Winning a road game when we shoot terrible from 3 and Ron/Geo are MIA is big
This isn't really worth it's own thread so I'll put it here.

The adjusted score for this game:
Rutgers 67.5, Nebraska 61.4

Further adjusting out home court advantage:
Rutgers 68.8, Nebraska 60.0

Adjusted adjusted offensive efficiency: 97.1
This would be #277/278 nationally if done consistently
Rutgers season long rating is 101.0 (#205)

Adjusted adjusted defensive efficiency: 83.9
This would be #1 nationally if done consistently
Rutgers season long rating is 95.8 (#52)

Adjusted adjusted efficiency margin: +13.22
This would be #50 nationally if done consistently
Rutgers season long rating is +6.60 (#100)

Conclusion: We were fine* in this game, we just couldn't shoot.

*Fine to the extent that #50 nationally is fine. I would like to be better. But it was an above average performance for this team and a performance consistent with a team in the bubble area which is the best we are hoping for this season.
agree....3 years and I dont see it, Why would McGowan stay there...perfect portal player

I thought generally they played some teams tough but found ways to lose, in some ways last year Nebby had more heart. I was floored that basically they were a one man show today....Verge being out definitely effected team mentality I think...didnt someone post here a thread that Hoiberg was going to be canned for some violation
Speaking of coaching. Fred Hoiberg. What was with all the hype of this guy? They should’ve kept Tim Miles. This is his third year and he has a 5 star recruit and is winless in conference and overall 6-15. Pathetic.
Great review BAC.
As bad as we were we won after an 11 point deficit on the road.
Survive and advance.
Nice birthday Jordan Cab for me! ;-)

Tim Miles did a great job and was very likable. He was building something. Nebraska should be embarrassed. They don’t deserve nice things.
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the way it was called in general worked to our favor, I thought we were very physical in the 2nd half. We started drawing fouls in the 2nd half.

The call on Geo seemed bogus the guy was in panic mode running into Geo who was trying to move out of his way. I would like to see it again from the a behind the basket angle. Not understanding how you can call that. That being said we got a gift vs Iowa. I had a feeling the guy would miss anyhow
the way it was called in general worked to our favor, I thought we were very physical in the 2nd half. We started drawing fouls in the 2nd half.

The call on Geo seemed bogus the guy was in panic mode running into Geo who was trying to move out of his way. I would like to see it again from the a behind the basket angle. Not understanding how you can call that. That being said we got a gift vs Iowa. I had a feeling the guy would miss anyhow
Geo never touched the guy who took the shot at all, or at least not close to when he actually shot it. If there was a foul there it wasn't a shooting foul.
Yes, Nebraska is bad. But Ohio St. needed OT to win there and Wisconsin got a scare in a single digit win there too. Life is very tough on the road in the Big 10. There’s no such thing as a bad road win. RU came through in the clutch and took care of business. For that, I am very happy!
This team makes the dumbest choice of shots, especially our supposed most experienced players on the team., 72 possessions, 60 FGa.

Around the.Rim 12-16 75% (241-397 60.7%)
Geo 1-2, Cliff 2-3, Paul 5-5, Mag 2-2, Caleb 2-3, Jalen 0-1

Mid range 8-25 32% (133-407 32.7%)
Geo 5-1I, Cliff 1-3, Paul 0-3, Ron 0-4, Mag 1-1, Caleb 0-2, Hyatt 1-1

3 point range 3-19 15.8% (127-381 33.3%)
Geo 0-5, Paul 0-4, Ron 1-5, Mag 1-1, Caleb 0-1, Hyatt 0-1, Palm 1-1, Dean 0-1

Starters 146 minutes, 43 pts(0.29pts/min), FG 17-51 33.3%, 8 ast/9TOs, 25 reb
Bench 54 minutes, 20 pts(0.37pts/min), FG 6-9 66.7%, 2 ast/2TOs, 14 reb

Palm is now 5-9 from 3
Ron 43-101 42.6% from 3
Without Ron, team shoots 84-280 30% from 3

Geo 31-69 44.9%, mid range
Other 4 starters 67-222 30.2%, mid range
Rest of the team 35-116 30.2%, mid range

Cliff 77-109 70.6% around the rim
Without Cliff, 164-288 56.9% around the rim

We have got to figure out more options to score, and limit so many bad mid range shots.
This isn't really worth it's own thread so I'll put it here.

The adjusted score for this game:
Rutgers 67.5, Nebraska 61.4

Further adjusting out home court advantage:
Rutgers 68.8, Nebraska 60.0

Adjusted adjusted offensive efficiency: 97.1
This would be #277/278 nationally if done consistently
Rutgers season long rating is 101.0 (#205)

Adjusted adjusted defensive efficiency: 83.9
This would be #1 nationally if done consistently
Rutgers season long rating is 95.8 (#52)

Adjusted adjusted efficiency margin: +13.22
This would be #50 nationally if done consistently
Rutgers season long rating is +6.60 (#100)

Conclusion: We were fine* in this game, we just couldn't shoot.

*Fine to the extent that #50 nationally is fine. I would like to be better. But it was an above average performance for this team and a performance consistent with a team in the bubble area which is the best we are hoping for this season.

I’m not a huge statistics guy, can you break down some of this for me?

I watched the game and the few overall takeaways for me is 1) ugly win 2) a win is a win, especially on the road and 3) this team has fight and never gave up.
the way it was called in general worked to our favor, I thought we were very physical in the 2nd half. We started drawing fouls in the 2nd half.

The call on Geo seemed bogus the guy was in panic mode running into Geo who was trying to move out of his way. I would like to see it again from the a behind the basket angle. Not understanding how you can call that. That being said we got a gift vs Iowa. I had a feeling the guy would miss anyhow
Refs completely took Ron out if the game. Disagreed with almost every block charge call.
The Tim Miles era only ended because there was a very good core group that a few years ago had a couple of NBA kids who went 13-7 or 14-6 in the B1G......but because RU was 3-15 in Year 1 and 3-17 in Year 2 and the B1G was not good, they didn't have a snowballs chance to dance.

Once those kids graduated and Miles went to the transfer portal looking for replacements for those key seniors, they were sunk......Miles never continues to find solid frosh recruits to build around and develop. The fans started building an argument that "Nebraska can do better ".....sounds like a lot of overly emotional fans here, taking about Pike.

TJ Ostenberger, was a key assistant for Fred Hoiberg at Iowa State....he is credited nowadays as the real reason Hoiberg won....Ostenberger went onto winning immediately as a 1st time HC at South Dakota State (I think), then UNLV hired him and he did well there....once Iowa State fired the guy to replace Hoiberg, Steve Prohm, Iowa State immediately went to TJ Ostenberger and he has Iowa State ranked with a slew of impact experienced transfers....keep in mind Iowa State was picked last in the Big 12 preseason rankings.

Hoiberg is probably the nicest guy on the planet and a good fit, but he rolled the dice with the former St John's assistant coach, who is a recruiting ACE, Matt abdelmassih.....he is responsible for "recruiting ", the McGowens Brothers and the portal pieces.

Nebraska has talent and athletes, But they literally have no idea how to scout, don't coach defense and no consistent effort on taking care of the ball.....they're a better version of the Eddie Jordan era, just with way more talented players.

Not sweeping this version of bad basketball, would have been a huge indictment on Pike, especially with this group of experienced looked Iike the many games RU would lose under prior coaching regimes at the good for 36-37 minutes, fold up in final 3 to 4 minutes, rinse and repeat.

I am so glad to be out of the realm of bad coaching staffs at RU.....glad to be away from kids who are recruiting wins, but don't want to defend and let kids take over games on your home floor. I know there are Pike detractors, but you don't win games like tonight, like Michigan, like Purdue and at Maryland, unless you're well connected and well have to find grinders to dig out games, Pike consistently finds those "winning role players ".....
Miller getting the T saved the game and the season sorry to what some will say, but in a complete jobbing by the refs someone had to do it and at that point the switch “flipped” and the guys went from pouting after every call to saying you know what, we’re gonna go steal this game from the 8 of you anyway
the way it was called in general worked to our favor, I thought we were very physical in the 2nd half. We started drawing fouls in the 2nd half.

The call on Geo seemed bogus the guy was in panic mode running into Geo who was trying to move out of his way. I would like to see it again from the a behind the basket angle. Not understanding how you can call that. That being said we got a gift vs Iowa. I had a feeling the guy would miss anyhow
Not sure why, guessing 66% didn't hurt, I felt in my heart there was no possible way he was making all 3.
There would still be a five alarm discussion burning on the late Geo call had we lost that game. That was extremely questionable and I would put in the same gift category as the call we got with 2 seconds to go in the Iowa game.

When Ron Harper is struggling to score it seems to impact his entire game. There seemed to be a long period in the second half where he was not even looking to touch the ball on offensive possessions.

Yes Mag was very good. As usual I would try to keep the over reactions about how good he will be in check until he contributes a little more regularly. He is a live body and the defense should be there every game. The difference yesterday was on the offensive end. Have not really seen that before.
I’m not a huge statistics guy, can you break down some of this for me?

I watched the game and the few overall takeaways for me is 1) ugly win 2) a win is a win, especially on the road and 3) this team has fight and never gave up.
This is my own thing I kind of made up but basically I'm just adjusting out some of the variance in 3 point shooting and free throw shooting and assuming both teams shot closer to their expected averages. It's not rigorous or completely valid but I feel it at least provides a useful perspective.
There would still be a five alarm discussion burning on the late Geo call had we lost that game. That was extremely questionable and I would put in the same gift category as the call we got with 2 seconds to go in the Iowa game.

When Ron Harper is struggling to score it seems to impact his entire game. There seemed to be a long period in the second half where he was not even looking to touch the ball on offensive possessions.

Yes Mag was very good. As usual I would try to keep the over reactions about how good he will be in check until he contributes a little more regularly. He is a live body and the defense should be there every game. The difference yesterday was on the offensive end. Have not really seen that before.
Extremely questionable isn't even it, it was just straight up wrong. There is no valid argument to be made for that call besides "the ref ****ed up"
The Tim Miles era only ended because there was a very good core group that a few years ago had a couple of NBA kids who went 13-7 or 14-6 in the B1G......but because RU was 3-15 in Year 1 and 3-17 in Year 2 and the B1G was not good, they didn't have a snowballs chance to dance.

Once those kids graduated and Miles went to the transfer portal looking for replacements for those key seniors, they were sunk......Miles never continues to find solid frosh recruits to build around and develop. The fans started building an argument that "Nebraska can do better ".....sounds like a lot of overly emotional fans here, taking about Pike.

TJ Ostenberger, was a key assistant for Fred Hoiberg at Iowa State....he is credited nowadays as the real reason Hoiberg won....Ostenberger went onto winning immediately as a 1st time HC at South Dakota State (I think), then UNLV hired him and he did well there....once Iowa State fired the guy to replace Hoiberg, Steve Prohm, Iowa State immediately went to TJ Ostenberger and he has Iowa State ranked with a slew of impact experienced transfers....keep in mind Iowa State was picked last in the Big 12 preseason rankings.

Hoiberg is probably the nicest guy on the planet and a good fit, but he rolled the dice with the former St John's assistant coach, who is a recruiting ACE, Matt abdelmassih.....he is responsible for "recruiting ", the McGowens Brothers and the portal pieces.

Nebraska has talent and athletes, But they literally have no idea how to scout, don't coach defense and no consistent effort on taking care of the ball.....they're a better version of the Eddie Jordan era, just with way more talented players.

Not sweeping this version of bad basketball, would have been a huge indictment on Pike, especially with this group of experienced looked Iike the many games RU would lose under prior coaching regimes at the good for 36-37 minutes, fold up in final 3 to 4 minutes, rinse and repeat.

I am so glad to be out of the realm of bad coaching staffs at RU.....glad to be away from kids who are recruiting wins, but don't want to defend and let kids take over games on your home floor. I know there are Pike detractors, but you don't win games like tonight, like Michigan, like Purdue and at Maryland, unless you're well connected and well have to find grinders to dig out games, Pike consistently finds those "winning role players ".....
According to analytics Miles' last team that went 6-14 in the 2019 Big Ten was actually worse than the previous year's team that went 13-5. The conference strength difference was that stark.
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The Tim Miles era only ended because there was a very good core group that a few years ago had a couple of NBA kids who went 13-7 or 14-6 in the B1G......but because RU was 3-15 in Year 1 and 3-17 in Year 2 and the B1G was not good, they didn't have a snowballs chance to dance.

Once those kids graduated and Miles went to the transfer portal looking for replacements for those key seniors, they were sunk......Miles never continues to find solid frosh recruits to build around and develop. The fans started building an argument that "Nebraska can do better ".....sounds like a lot of overly emotional fans here, taking about Pike.

TJ Ostenberger, was a key assistant for Fred Hoiberg at Iowa State....he is credited nowadays as the real reason Hoiberg won....Ostenberger went onto winning immediately as a 1st time HC at South Dakota State (I think), then UNLV hired him and he did well there....once Iowa State fired the guy to replace Hoiberg, Steve Prohm, Iowa State immediately went to TJ Ostenberger and he has Iowa State ranked with a slew of impact experienced transfers....keep in mind Iowa State was picked last in the Big 12 preseason rankings.

Hoiberg is probably the nicest guy on the planet and a good fit, but he rolled the dice with the former St John's assistant coach, who is a recruiting ACE, Matt abdelmassih.....he is responsible for "recruiting ", the McGowens Brothers and the portal pieces.

Nebraska has talent and athletes, But they literally have no idea how to scout, don't coach defense and no consistent effort on taking care of the ball.....they're a better version of the Eddie Jordan era, just with way more talented players.

Not sweeping this version of bad basketball, would have been a huge indictment on Pike, especially with this group of experienced looked Iike the many games RU would lose under prior coaching regimes at the good for 36-37 minutes, fold up in final 3 to 4 minutes, rinse and repeat.

I am so glad to be out of the realm of bad coaching staffs at RU.....glad to be away from kids who are recruiting wins, but don't want to defend and let kids take over games on your home floor. I know there are Pike detractors, but you don't win games like tonight, like Michigan, like Purdue and at Maryland, unless you're well connected and well have to find grinders to dig out games, Pike consistently finds those "winning role players ".....
Where will we be next year without Ron and Geo to pull out these games and make big shots/plays? You can’t expect players on our current roster to instantly develop into those type of players. I would have liked to have seen Pike leverage the success we’ve had the last few years into a little better recruiting.
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Extremely questionable isn't even it, it was just straight up wrong. There is no valid argument to be made for that call besides "the ref ****ed up"
Agreed. The call against Geo is nothing like the Iowa call. In the Iowa game there was definite contact as RHJ started towards the basket. Compare that with the Purdue game where there was no contact- up by only a point Purdue avoided fouling and merely tried to slow Harper down. Against Iowa there was contact with the question being was it enough to call a game winning foul? Yesterday the only contact was between Geo and a player without the ball. The Iowa call was a judgement call, yesterday’s was a mistake.
I’m not even gonna try to figure out this team anymore, it’s too stressful, but a win is a win and they got the job done yesterday. Huge. I’ll take the same thing in Evanston.
I’m not even gonna try to figure out this team anymore, it’s too stressful, but a win is a win and they got the job done yesterday. Huge. I’ll take the same thing in Evanston.
I'm encouraged that Bac has predicted Northwestern to win tomorrow. Hopefully the players also think of themselves as underdogs because that seems to be the only time we get good offense from them.
Agreed. The call against Geo is nothing like the Iowa call. In the Iowa game there was definite contact as RHJ started towards the basket. Compare that with the Purdue game where there was no contact- up by only a point Purdue avoided fouling and merely tried to slow Harper down. Against Iowa there was contact with the question being was it enough to call a game winning foul? Yesterday the only contact was between Geo and a player without the ball. The Iowa call was a judgement call, yesterday’s was a mistake.
That’s a cultish, homer view Lou. Distinguishing between judgment and mistake ? Lame. A bad call is a bad call. Both were terrible calls that favored the home team at the very end. Neither one should have been called with just seconds left.
Every bit the gut check, maybe moreso, is coming tomorrow night. And even if they win that, and I'm sure they'll be underdogs, there are more coming afterward. That's where they've put themselves.
Tomorrow is a must win

Puts them in position where they will not have to just run the table at home against the parade of the top 20 schools coming into the RAC

Plus having 3 road wins will at least provide the bare minimum where it wont kill them on the resume. Although i would like a win at Indiana
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Tomorrow is a must win

Puts them in position where they will not have to just run the table at home against the parade of the top 20 schools coming into the RAC

Plus having 3 road wins will at least provide the bare minimum where it wont kill them on the resume. Although i would like a win at Indiana
Cannot say it is a must win as Northwestern is 79 in the Net and we are 111 this morning and 32 spots behind and it would be a Quad 2 loss and maybe by year end it becomes a Quad 1 loss. But clearly would love to have it before the 8 straight Quad 1 games ( 4 at the RAC). But if we get 3 of the RAC games and Indiana and close out with a home win on Senior Day against Penn State that gets us to 11-9 with a decent chance being on the bubble , with a decent Quad 1 record.

I would love a full 40 minute game tomorrow . Getting the win will not make things any easier for the next 8 but hopefully with this team it gives us momentum and confidence that should’ve enough for MSU and OSU.
Where will we be next year without Ron and Geo to pull out these games and make big shots/plays? You can’t expect players on our current roster to instantly develop into those type of players. I would have liked to have seen Pike leverage the success we’ve had the last few years into a little better recruiting.

I don't know but winning games has never immediately translated anywhere to increased has always been a fallacy of sorts....playing time and a role that's defined (along with playing the recruiting game) is what matters.

I am ultimately not worried one bit about next year or the scoring next year. Scorers are a dime a dozen....every team in the B1G has scorers.....I am pretty certain RU isn't going into the season next year without some upgrades, whether it's the HS route, JUCO or portal.

The key for RU winning games is really not solely based on RHJ and Baker as much as fans want to realize. They take the bulk of the shots but anyone can take those shots. I know fans don't believe in Derek Simpson, but I am 1000% sold on what he brings to the table.

Can you replace RHJ....?? Absolutely not, it is impossible to replace RHJ with a frosh, a transfer or a JUCO or HS player. But similar to replacing Myles Johnson, Cliff has exceeded Myles and his production. If Cliff takes another step forward next year, he can go from getting better to more confident and consistent.

I also think if Hyatt gets more minutes and more shots, he can replace 70% of what RHJ gives us. So if RHJ is at 16PPG, maybe Hyatt goes to 12PPG....

The gaps get made up, by player development.....Mag should go up from 4PPG to what I believe is 8PPG.....Mulcahy, who I have banged the drum about not scoring enough, should go from 6 to 7PPG, up to 9 to 10 PPG.....Add in Simpson or another guard at 10PPG in the Baker minutes and you are in the same place.

It is impossible (in my opinion) to ask someone from the transfer portal, to walk in the door, leap frog the entire roster in scoring and understand the level of defense, all in 1 off season. Every portal person is different, but I would really prefer a late HS signing than the portal IMO.
Refs completely took Ron out if the game. Disagreed with almost every block charge call.
I have a question about the offensive foul called on Harper that everyone is upset about, for those of you who may know the rules in more detail than I do..

The defender started running toward Ron as the pass to Ron was in the air. Ron caught the ball and faced the basket just as the defender stopped forward motion and drifted to his left to cut off the easy lane to the basket. Ron began his drive and the collision occurred before the defender was stationary. But the collision occurred just as Ron put the ball on the floor for the first time to begin his drive, and Ron leaned down and contacted the defender's midsection with a bent left forearm and clenched fist and then his body... Is there a chance that an offensive player leading with his forearm during a collision like that could legitimately be called for an offensive foul, even if the defender wasn't completely stationary? If Ron doesn't put out his forearm and fist prior to and during contact, is there a chance that the call goes the other way?

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If he didn't extend it, it should not be called. Based on my experience watching not the rules.

I hate the lower the shoulder calls too. Lower and driver in with it, fine call it. But just because your shoulder is down you shouldn't be called
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