NJ 101.5 Bill Spadea and Eric Scott SLAM RUTGERS

Sep 11, 2006
NJ 101.5 Bill Spadea and Eric Scott SLAM RUTGERS

Here's the weird thing.. these two opened this morning's show at 6AM with seemingly off-hand remarks about Rutgers. Here are the main points they made:

A) They began talking about how expensive Rutgers is saying its cheaper to go to a private college out-of-state

B) Then they blasted the campus.. specifically citing the sidewalks for some reason.. and no, they did not specify which of the New Brunswick area campuses they were talking about

C) Then they attributed these issues to spending on football and the stadium and saying we are trying to be a southern state school where this works because there are no professional sports teams in the south.

D) They mentioned cutting sports (apparently someone remembered that from 10 years ago)

E) They mentioned not paying adjunct professors well enough (again, just pulling a charge from their bin labelled "we hate Rutgers")

F) Then they said that New Brunswick, the city, is great.. positively mentioning the theater district

G) They slammed Barchi and suggested that new Governor Murphy will have the power to remove him

I wish I had a recording of that to link for you all. Eric Scott is the news head at NJ 101.5.. he should know better than to go off and speak from ignorance. If Rutgers spent ZERO on football the tuition would likely need to go up or we'd need to cut other sports too... because we would be out of the Big Ten ASAP.

These idiots need to be forced to actually visit campus and be taught a few things about why it is so expensive to run Rutgers and why it looks like it does.

My list would be:

1) Princeton is beautiful.. it was a much larger school than Rutgers for 100 years or more and was a town built around a college. Most flagship state universities are towns built to serve the university.

2) Rutgers is a college built in and around a trade town on the D&R Canal. And did not become especially large until after WWII when state legislators made a deal to help returning GIs, to allow Rutgers to become the flagship State U.

3) Now imagine the typical State U.. created by the State (or even Territory) in the mid to late 1800s.. state contributions began immediately and were part of the budget for more than a century. Buying land (or having it granted to them).. building buildings, etc. MEANWHILE, at Rutgers.. a small private eastern college is finding ways to do the same thing. The benefit of the Morrill Act after the Civil War, Rutgers because the state's Land Grant institution and the land granted is selected by politicians and then sold off and that money is used to buy land in and around New Brunswick in order to build Cook College, the agricultural school. And during the Great Depression, Rutgers expands across the river into Piscataway.. again.. no state funds used.

3) Rutgers bought up and were granted lands piecemeal. It was, in essence, a group of small colleges.. a liberal arts college for men, a liberal arts college for women, an agriculture school, and engineering school.. it was pieced together with loss of economies of scale due to distance between campuses.

4) In the 60s and 70s.. like many New Jersey cities, New Brunswick suffered white-flight and Rutgers along with it. This is something towns built around State Us largely did not suffer.

5) I know the state funding has dropped.. in real and adjusted dollars... repeatedly. As cost of living increases in this state. As overhead of state workers pensions and benefits has increased. As cost of repairing roads and streets and building new buildings has increased. You can see the state funding here. Keep in mind the recent increases came with even larger increases in liabilities due to assuming UMDNJ's debts and liabilities. UCONN gets more from its state, has fewer students in a lower cost-of-living area...

6) Rutgers football is revenue neutral at a minimum... and when you consider that the bulk of the Big Ten money is yet to arrive.. blaming football is just ridiculous.
Classic NJ! Anyone who ever travels anywhere else in the US has to be stunned by how citizens feel about their state and state schools. You rarely hear anyone talk about how good the education is at their state school. But, let me tell you about sports! How many life time New Jerseyians do you hear telling other people how great NJ is?
Like it or not, sports have become the measuring stick about how good or bad a school is. Sure, you certainly have some exceptions with top academic schools with so so athletics, but the reverse is more often the case. Look at how Louisville was perceived by many (until the Feds showed up, LOL).
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Small private schools start in the low 40's. When my daughter was going through college search, one gave her enough money that is was less expensive than RU and one gave her enough to be comparable. All others were more expensive. That is just an incorrect statement. Yes, you can find an example of it being true but that is an exception, not the rule.
Offer them their 25 cents.

Anyone who complains about the impact of RU athletics on the taxpayers should be handed a quarter. Because that's their share.

Football is millions in the black for the last couple of years. The university is, at this point, subsidizing the rest of the sports - and so is football, since the athletic department is revenue-neutral for reporting purposes. Based on the math, the cost of Rutgers athletics to every taxpayer in NJ is two bits.
Small private schools start in the low 40's. When my daughter was going through college search, one gave her enough money that is was less expensive than RU and one gave her enough to be comparable. All others were more expensive. That is just an incorrect statement. Yes, you can find an example of it being true but that is an exception, not the rule.

Very few, I suspect.

I have a kid graduating this year from Dickinson College in PA. Amazing school. Tuition, room and board is about $64k this semester. Fortunately she's got a 50% ride for academics.
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Offer them their 25 cents.

Anyone who complains about the impact of RU athletics on the taxpayers should be handed a quarter. Because that's their share.

Football is millions in the black for the last couple of years. The university is, at this point, subsidizing the rest of the sports - and so is football, since the athletic department is revenue-neutral for reporting purposes. Based on the math, the cost of Rutgers athletics to every taxpayer in NJ is two bits.
I did that with someone who was bitching about RU and the impact on his taxes, only I used a dollar. I handed him a dollar. He asked what that was for and I told him I just wanted to make him whole so he wouldn't feel bad about subsidizing RU sports. It got a chuckle from the people we were with.
Very few, I suspect.

I have a kid graduating this year from Dickinson College in PA. Amazing school. Tuition, room and board is about $64k this semester. Fortunately she's got a 50% ride for academics.
Yes, very few. You can find the exception. Daughter could have gone to University of Tampa for $18,000.
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I did that with someone who was bitching about RU and the impact on his taxes, only I used a dollar. I handed him a dollar. He asked what that was for and I told him I just wanted to make him whole so he wouldn't feel bad about subsidizing RU sports. It got a chuckle from the people we were with.

I'd go ask for change now. Or make him buy you a pop.
Offer them their 25 cents.

Anyone who complains about the impact of RU athletics on the taxpayers should be handed a quarter. Because that's their share.

Football is millions in the black for the last couple of years. The university is, at this point, subsidizing the rest of the sports - and so is football, since the athletic department is revenue-neutral for reporting purposes. Based on the math, the cost of Rutgers athletics to every taxpayer in NJ is two bits.

It might have been more comparing paying Out-of-state tuition at a different state's school compared to in-state tuition at Rutgers. I was hearing it once then tried to remember it when I got home later today to register my contempt for those two on this board where it will achieve.. nothing.

As I said in the OP.. it was like this was a totally un-prepared segment.. like they were just chatting it up and Rutgers came up.. I think one of them were taking a daughter around visiting schools last weekend or something.. and they stumbled upon mention Rutgers and just launched into jab after jab taking turns.
There may be private schools cheaper than RU but I dare them to name one that would offer the opportunity and exposure a student would get at a large, diverse research university like Rutgers.

I've found that a lot of private schools are basically extensions of highschool and people feel good about getting discount 20-30K off a 40-50K price tag.

Also, it's not RU's fault that the politicians have ignored their state university by cutting funding to levels we were getting 20-30 years ago because they want to be #1 in funding pre-K education and dumping millions into Xanadu and the Casinos.

Not even wasting my thumbs on Athletics.
Meanwhile an Insurance guy by the name of George has the State Pols by the balls and can direct millions as he chooses...

Latest example is the $7.5 million he's getting from RU and $7.5 million from the states Green Acres ($15 million total) to knock down Campbells field (which cost over $20 million to build 15 years ago with state $) to build athletic fields in Camden which will be owned by the City of Camden and operated by RU.....
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tl;dr, but wow, NJ 101.5 is still on the air?
Was thinking the same thing. Pray they never have to get medical support at one of our hospitals. I would be taking my time getting there to supply great support for 2 s$$ wipes.
It would be nice if RU was less expensive, but come on, for some majors, RU does a great job getting graduates into the job market.

I mean yeah, you look at North Carolina, and all of the UNC schools are less than 9k a year for instate tuition, and RU is pushing 13K for instate.
Used to listen to Spadea in the AMs but he’s gotten too over the top pro-Trump it’s annoying (not even politically speaking, but to the point where it’s like enough already, are you getting paid by the orange lunatic?), even more so on twitter.

He’s buds with Vinny from the Stress Factory and performs there on occasion as an aspiring comic. Does lots of fund raiser, especially pro cop so I’ll give him that.

Besides there’s like 90 seconds of actual content, then it’s traffic, weather, commercials, news, commercials.
NJ 101.5 Bill Spadea and Eric Scott SLAM RUTGERS

Here's the weird thing.. these two opened this morning's show at 6AM with seemingly off-hand remarks about Rutgers. Here are the main points they made:

A) They began talking about how expensive Rutgers is saying its cheaper to go to a private college out-of-state

B) Then they blasted the campus.. specifically citing the sidewalks for some reason.. and no, they did not specify which of the New Brunswick area campuses they were talking about

C) Then they attributed these issues to spending on football and the stadium and saying we are trying to be a southern state school where this works because there are no professional sports teams in the south.

D) They mentioned cutting sports (apparently someone remembered that from 10 years ago)

E) They mentioned not paying adjunct professors well enough (again, just pulling a charge from their bin labelled "we hate Rutgers")

F) Then they said that New Brunswick, the city, is great.. positively mentioning the theater district

G) They slammed Barchi and suggested that new Governor Murphy will have the power to remove him

I wish I had a recording of that to link for you all. Eric Scott is the news head at NJ 101.5.. he should know better than to go off and speak from ignorance. If Rutgers spent ZERO on football the tuition would likely need to go up or we'd need to cut other sports too... because we would be out of the Big Ten ASAP.

These idiots need to be forced to actually visit campus and be taught a few things about why it is so expensive to run Rutgers and why it looks like it does.

My list would be:

1) Princeton is beautiful.. it was a much larger school than Rutgers for 100 years or more and was a town built around a college. Most flagship state universities are towns built to serve the university.

2) Rutgers is a college built in and around a trade town on the D&R Canal. And did not become especially large until after WWII when state legislators made a deal to help returning GIs, to allow Rutgers to become the flagship State U.

3) Now imagine the typical State U.. created by the State (or even Territory) in the mid to late 1800s.. state contributions began immediately and were part of the budget for more than a century. Buying land (or having it granted to them).. building buildings, etc. MEANWHILE, at Rutgers.. a small private eastern college is finding ways to do the same thing. The benefit of the Morrill Act after the Civil War, Rutgers because the state's Land Grant institution and the land granted is selected by politicians and then sold off and that money is used to buy land in and around New Brunswick in order to build Cook College, the agricultural school. And during the Great Depression, Rutgers expands across the river into Piscataway.. again.. no state funds used.

3) Rutgers bought up and were granted lands piecemeal. It was, in essence, a group of small colleges.. a liberal arts college for men, a liberal arts college for women, an agriculture school, and engineering school.. it was pieced together with loss of economies of scale due to distance between campuses.

4) In the 60s and 70s.. like many New Jersey cities, New Brunswick suffered white-flight and Rutgers along with it. This is something towns built around State Us largely did not suffer.

5) I know the state funding has dropped.. in real and adjusted dollars... repeatedly. As cost of living increases in this state. As overhead of state workers pensions and benefits has increased. As cost of repairing roads and streets and building new buildings has increased. You can see the state funding here. Keep in mind the recent increases came with even larger increases in liabilities due to assuming UMDNJ's debts and liabilities. UCONN gets more from its state, has fewer students in a lower cost-of-living area...

6) Rutgers football is revenue neutral at a minimum... and when you consider that the bulk of the Big Ten money is yet to arrive.. blaming football is just ridiculous.
Who cares about NJ 101.5? They have been anti-anything NJ for years. The real issue here is the OP description of RU - it is just as inaccurate and as negative. Makes the school seem like a disorganized conglomerate - not true. The campus is looking better every day and the bus system is awesome. Stop the negative thinking!
Very few, I suspect.

I have a kid graduating this year from Dickinson College in PA. Amazing school. Tuition, room and board is about $64k this semester. Fortunately she's got a 50% ride for academics.
Whoa, 64k a year, not per semester right?
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ANYONE who complains about the cost of Rutgers football please direct them to this link:

Rutgers Football is the ONLY sport that regularly does not require financial support. According to this report they were 8 million in the black. Rutgers football is absolutely vital to the entire athletic department.

As atrocious as mens basketball has been, they still manage to make a profit. With a modicum of success they will comfortably be in the black. This report is a couple years old, and I expect wrestling would probably be close to breaking even.

If they would like to complain about the cost of sports, complain about womens bball (-2.6 mil), womens volleyball (-1.2 mil) or womens soccer (-1 mil). Those are the three costliest sports.
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$359 was what athletics cost each student in 2015. $359 of a $20,000 tuition ..... yep, THAT's the problem .. idiots! #FakeNews why why would anyone listen to a show of people pulling things from you know where... as they do with everything they talk about! You might as well listen to a broadcast in Japanese, you will learn as many factual things!
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$359 was what athletics cost each student in 2015. $359 of a $20,000 tuition ..... yep, THAT's the problem .. idiots! #FakeNews why why would anyone listen to a show of people pulling things from you know where... as they do with everything they talk about! You might as well listen to a broadcast in Japanese, you will learn as many factual things!
Which is less then the cost of a single text book.
NJ 101.5 Bill Spadea and Eric Scott SLAM RUTGERS

Here's the weird thing.. these two opened this morning's show at 6AM with seemingly off-hand remarks about Rutgers. Here are the main points they made:

A) They began talking about how expensive Rutgers is saying its cheaper to go to a private college out-of-state

B) Then they blasted the campus.. specifically citing the sidewalks for some reason.. and no, they did not specify which of the New Brunswick area campuses they were talking about

C) Then they attributed these issues to spending on football and the stadium and saying we are trying to be a southern state school where this works because there are no professional sports teams in the south.

D) They mentioned cutting sports (apparently someone remembered that from 10 years ago)

E) They mentioned not paying adjunct professors well enough (again, just pulling a charge from their bin labelled "we hate Rutgers")

F) Then they said that New Brunswick, the city, is great.. positively mentioning the theater district

G) They slammed Barchi and suggested that new Governor Murphy will have the power to remove him

I wish I had a recording of that to link for you all. Eric Scott is the news head at NJ 101.5.. he should know better than to go off and speak from ignorance. If Rutgers spent ZERO on football the tuition would likely need to go up or we'd need to cut other sports too... because we would be out of the Big Ten ASAP.

These idiots need to be forced to actually visit campus and be taught a few things about why it is so expensive to run Rutgers and why it looks like it does.

My list would be:

1) Princeton is beautiful.. it was a much larger school than Rutgers for 100 years or more and was a town built around a college. Most flagship state universities are towns built to serve the university.

2) Rutgers is a college built in and around a trade town on the D&R Canal. And did not become especially large until after WWII when state legislators made a deal to help returning GIs, to allow Rutgers to become the flagship State U.

3) Now imagine the typical State U.. created by the State (or even Territory) in the mid to late 1800s.. state contributions began immediately and were part of the budget for more than a century. Buying land (or having it granted to them).. building buildings, etc. MEANWHILE, at Rutgers.. a small private eastern college is finding ways to do the same thing. The benefit of the Morrill Act after the Civil War, Rutgers because the state's Land Grant institution and the land granted is selected by politicians and then sold off and that money is used to buy land in and around New Brunswick in order to build Cook College, the agricultural school. And during the Great Depression, Rutgers expands across the river into Piscataway.. again.. no state funds used.

3) Rutgers bought up and were granted lands piecemeal. It was, in essence, a group of small colleges.. a liberal arts college for men, a liberal arts college for women, an agriculture school, and engineering school.. it was pieced together with loss of economies of scale due to distance between campuses.

4) In the 60s and 70s.. like many New Jersey cities, New Brunswick suffered white-flight and Rutgers along with it. This is something towns built around State Us largely did not suffer.

5) I know the state funding has dropped.. in real and adjusted dollars... repeatedly. As cost of living increases in this state. As overhead of state workers pensions and benefits has increased. As cost of repairing roads and streets and building new buildings has increased. You can see the state funding here. Keep in mind the recent increases came with even larger increases in liabilities due to assuming UMDNJ's debts and liabilities. UCONN gets more from its state, has fewer students in a lower cost-of-living area...

6) Rutgers football is revenue neutral at a minimum... and when you consider that the bulk of the Big Ten money is yet to arrive.. blaming football is just ridiculous.

Spadea is such a clown. He claims to be some objective NJ citizen warrior, but he's just a partisan Trump lackey. Guy has potential, but squanders it. As to the typical NJ bash RU bc pro sports yadda yadda. Shove it.

New yowkas tawk theya basebawl all winta. And think it's all that matters. I like pro sports, but NJ ppl repping NFL teams that refuse to call themselves NJ and then rival hockey teams is annoying. Aspl who refuse
Eric Scott has been a RU hater for over 20 years consistently beating to a pulp negative RU headlines.

I was going to say the same thing so I will. True, he has been bashing RU for years for one thing or another. I haven't listened to that station in about 10 years and I can't say I miss it. Its not really worth even tuning in to. Its about 5 minutes of content and back to commercials.
" Cut all state subsidies to Rutgers."
"Rutgers does nothing for the reputation of the state or its working class families"
"You're better off sending your kid to Rider"
Where is he getting this 30k+ a year tuition cost for Rutgers?

Does he not realize RU doesn't force you to live on campus and buy a meal plan?

NJ is a commuter state, you can easily drive to RU-NB and save yourself 16k a year by living at home.

Where did he get the idea that most out of state universities/colleges have lower out of state tuition than our in-state?
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