OT: ACC & Swofford fixin to get exposed


All Conference
Aug 18, 2006
Amended complaint filed and UNC making noise

Old Swoffy’s sweating bullets
Throw in the towel Chad, dad’s about to fall on the sword for you!

The ACC’s house of cards is about to come crashing down

I still have a ton of friends in the ACC, especially at NC State, and follow the ACC pretty closely. Swofford has been despised and mocked for decades because of his leadership (although, ha ha, the ACC fans took a year or two off from that to unite behind Swofford and rag on Maryland when they announced their defection). Since Swofford played football and later served as athletic director at North Carolina, and his son is/was an executive at RayCom sports, who always had a sweet deal with the ACC when arrangements like that were common, there was even more grist for the "Hate Swofford" mill.

But nothing was ever done about it. In retrospect I'm surprised it took this long.

Disclaimer: I don' know any of the specifics of this case, and my gut feeling is that if there really was something wrong with how the GOR was implemented, there would have been protests earlier than now. But if enough ACC schools pile on, it isn't going to matter. The only problem for Florida State in that regard is that many ACC schools still love the ACC and will have no place to go if it dies (also a subject I know little about, admittedly).
I still have a ton of friends in the ACC, especially at NC State, and follow the ACC pretty closely. Swofford has been despised and mocked for decades because of his leadership (although, ha ha, the ACC fans took a year or two off from that to unite behind Swofford and rag on Maryland when they announced their defection). Since Swofford played football and later served as athletic director at North Carolina, and his son is/was an executive at RayCom sports, who always had a sweet deal with the ACC when arrangements like that were common, there was even more grist for the "Hate Swofford" mill.

But nothing was ever done about it. In retrospect I'm surprised it took this long.

Disclaimer: I don' know any of the specifics of this case, and my gut feeling is that if there really was something wrong with how the GOR was implemented, there would have been protests earlier than now. But if enough ACC schools pile on, it isn't going to matter. The only problem for Florida State in that regard is that many ACC schools still love the ACC and will have no place to go if it dies (also a subject I know little about, admittedly).
ACCN making a documentary about him was crazy - let’s honor a guy who cost us millions of dollars

Trying to do the right thing and being a team player let it get this far; that, incomponent / lazy / corrupt people (in all a sides) and wishing upon a star has landed this conference on its death bed

Schools ok w the status quo (wake, bc and Cuse) know where their breads buttered
I never liked Swofford. But the thing is this was all known at the time. Why didn’t ACC members do anything about it?

I hope Swofford and his son get nailed but can’t imagine other people were not complicit. This goes much deeper. Watch for other heads to roll.
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ACCN making a documentary about him was crazy - let’s honor a guy who cost us millions of dollars

Trying to do the right thing and being a team player let it get this far; that, incomponent / lazy / corrupt people (in all a sides) and wishing upon a star has landed this conference on its death bed

Schools ok w the status quo (wake, bc and Cuse) know where their breads buttered
My personal feeling is that there are more than those three who are happy with the status quo and anxious to stave off change. You would know better, though.

Good luck to Florida State; as I've said before, the school and fans are refreshingly down-to-earth and likeable, despite the image currently being conjured up in the media due to what's going on...
I never liked Swofford. But the thing is this was all known at the time. Why didn’t ACC members do anything about it?

I hope Swofford and his son get nailed but can’t imagine other people were not complicit. This goes much deeper. Watch for other heads to roll.
That’s the million dollar question that nobody can figure out

The only way I can rationalize it is that incompetent, lazy and corrupt people on all sides, allowed it to get this far
My personal feeling is that there are more than those three who are happy with the status quo and anxious to stave off change. You would know better, though.

Good luck to Florida State; as I've said before, the school and fans are refreshingly down-to-earth and likeable, despite the image currently being conjured up in the media due to what's going on...
I agree there’s more than three, chances are Duke, Georgia Tech, hit, etc. also are not hating the current arrangement
Swofford propped up Raycom Sports with the Tier II and III revenue that should have gone to ACC members but he somehow created deals with ESPN directly to involve Raycom through sublicensing while the SEC left Raycom in the dust to work directly with Bristol. ESPN and Swofford worked in conjunction to destroy the old Big East by inviting Miami, Va Tech, Cuse and BC to increase ACC markets in the northeast and then siphoned profits to Raycom. Swofford propped up his son’s position at Raycom and ESPN controlled ACC markets with token offerings like a shitty conference network while they doubled down on their college football Crown Jewels (SEC and UT).

All ACC schools bought into the Swofford/ESPN hype while its value diminished amongst peer conferences but did nothing about it even when kept away from the fine print of agreements.

Can’t say I feel bad for any of the parties involved.

Ha ha, I started to type a list of additions, and those two were at the top...
I don't understand Duke and Cuse specifically being ok w/things long term for ball prospects alone, especially Duke being that they're bball will suffer immensely with a 500 million dollar shortfall
I don't understand Duke and Cuse specifically being ok w/things long term for ball prospects alone, especially Duke being that they're bball will suffer immensely with a 500 million dollar shortfall
UConn just won the championship and is currently #1 in the country. Many mid majors and teams not in the B10 and SEC litter the top 25 and do well in the tourney and win championship without B10 or SEC resources.

There are teams in football that don’t make tons of money that have had their moments in the sun and there will be in the future as well. For football, probably not championships but playoffs and what not for sure.

I’ve told you this before, money is just a means to an end and that end is winning. That can be accomplished in many of the other sports without tons of money. It can be done in football as well save for maybe the ultimate goal of a football championship.
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I don't understand Duke and Cuse specifically being ok w/things long term for ball prospects alone, especially Duke being that they're bball will suffer immensely with a 500 million dollar shortfall

Ouch!! ... "this is believed to be the first step as the Seminoles and other ACC schools face a massive revenue gap with schools in the Big Ten and SEC. Projections show schools in those leagues making $30 million to $40 million more than ACC schools, per year, in the near future."
UConn just won the championship and is currently #1 in the country. Many mid majors and teams not in the B10 and SEC litter the top 25 and do well in the tourney and win championship without B10 or SEC resources.

There are teams in football that don’t make tons of money that have had their moments in the sun and there will be in the future as well. For football, probably not championships but playoffs and what not for sure.

I’ve told you this before, money is just a means to an end and that end is winning. That can be accomplished in many of the other sports without tons of money. It can be done in football as well save for maybe the ultimate goal of a football championship.
UConn and Duke are different in a few ways

First off, UConn has a massive donor
Second, they're good in baseball but besides BBall, don't really excel in anything else
They also body bag games for football to help fund bball

Duke is good at Lax, Soccer, and Bball.
To my knowledge, they don't have a massive donor like UConn

With all that being said, it'll be harder and harder for both to compete (especially UConn, as they're not going to the B12 or whatever leftover conference there will be for football like Duke likely will, putting them even farther behind the 8 ball money wise)

Not saying they'll totally suck, but something has to give if the $ discrepany is too high. You're seeing SEC and B1G usurping the ACC in bball already due to $. SEC is killing the ACC in baseball, in large part due to $. Facilities wise, it's not even a contest.

So if UConn wants to remain elite in bball, it'll likely come at the expense of every other sport. Duke can likely still be competiitve in a few, but football will certainly suffer

Money isn't everything, as you need elite coaching and school buy in to become and remain elite
But it's chicken egg - you aren't going to get, or at least retain, top coaches unless you have money
Same w/players now that NIL is prevalent

Granted, you'll have programs go all in on certain sports
UConn and Duke w/bball
Wake and Vandy w/baseball
But with a 50 + million / year deficit, it's very difficult to remain elite when these other schools have such a large $ advanatage
Ouch!! ... "this is believed to be the first step as the Seminoles and other ACC schools face a massive revenue gap with schools in the Big Ten and SEC. Projections show schools in those leagues making $30 million to $40 million more than ACC schools, per year, in the near future."
It's roughly a 500 million deficit as of 2036 if things remained status quo
And that's not counting any renogiations the conferences will have as they added teams

Also doesn't account for ESPN having option not to pick up ACC contract in 2027, which Swoffy and Co. conveniently left out when they signed the agreement in secret, without the member schools even knowing until it was discovered by the attorney's recently
UConn and Duke are different in a few ways

First off, UConn has a massive donor
Second, they're good in baseball but besides BBall, don't really excel in anything else
They also body bag games for football to help fund bball

Duke is good at Lax, Soccer, and Bball.
To my knowledge, they don't have a massive donor like UConn

With all that being said, it'll be harder and harder for both to compete (especially UConn, as they're not going to the B12 or whatever leftover conference there will be for football like Duke likely will, putting them even farther behind the 8 ball money wise)

Not saying they'll totally suck, but something has to give if the $ discrepany is too high. You're seeing SEC and B1G usurping the ACC in bball already due to $. SEC is killing the ACC in baseball, in large part due to $. Facilities wise, it's not even a contest.

So if UConn wants to remain elite in bball, it'll likely come at the expense of every other sport. Duke can likely still be competiitve in a few, but football will certainly suffer

Money isn't everything, as you need elite coaching and school buy in to become and remain elite
But it's chicken egg - you aren't going to get, or at least retain, top coaches unless you have money
Same w/players now that NIL is prevalent

Granted, you'll have programs go all in on certain sports
UConn and Duke w/bball
Wake and Vandy w/baseball
But with a 50 + million / year deficit, it's very difficult to remain elite when these other schools have such a large $

57MM viewers watched the Lions-49ers game on Sunday. Next year the College Football final championship game will approach unprecedented viewership numbers. Programs like UConn and Duke can have great success in basketball and non-revenue sports but the revenue generated by football programs in SEC and BIG with losing teams will eclipse the TOTAL athletic dept revenue of most non P2 schools.

Football is king.

57MM viewers watched the Lions-49ers game on Sunday. Next year the College Football final championship game will approach unprecedented viewership numbers. Programs like UConn and Duke can have great success in basketball and non-revenue sports but the revenue generated by football programs in SEC and BIG with losing teams will eclipse the TOTAL athletic dept revenue of most non P2 schools.

Football is king.

For now
But will there come a day when the $ gets too big and there's essentially 48-60 teams that dominate every sport
Yes I am looking forward to FSU joining the AAC or the Mountain West, it's where they belong.
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For anyone paying attention, the southern guy Swashbuckler was clearly dealing his son favors. Said so at the time.

Great to see all this happening. Acc implosion is going to happen faster than originally thought.
Yes I am looking forward to FSU joining the AAC or the Mountain West, it's where they belong.
Spank's so confident he won't even bet a 6 pack on this
Friendly bets are fun, especially when it's as easy as taking candy from a baby

How about this for the winner...... A nice bottle wine for Spank vs. one of Spank's famous steaks for the Smooth one

What say you, Spanker?
For anyone paying attention, the southern guy Swashbuckler was clearly dealing his son favors. Said so at the time.

Great to see all this happening. Acc implosion is going to happen faster than originally thought.
It will be glorious when it happens
The ACC, and old Swoffy Boy, are officially on the clock
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It's going to get extremely ugly. The gloves are off now.

If the Acc was smart they simply would have negotiated a fee that FSU could stomach and let them walk.

Now they are going to get exposed for the world to see...while still never getting the full fee. Really poor business decisions. But they are in a tough spot. Best of two bad options. The are choosing the worst of two bad options.
It's going to get extremely ugly. The gloves are off now.

If the Acc was smart they simply would have negotiated a fee that FSU could stomach and let them walk.

Now they are going to get exposed for the world to see...while still never getting the full fee. Really poor business decisions. But they are in a tough spot. Best of two bad options. The are choosing the worst of two bad options.
They knew what was coming, as it was alluded to in the initial suit; yet, for some reason, decided not to settle and continue on in the willful ignorance and outward arrogance

Still, it isn't surprising that a conference who prioritized bball over football all those years, even though FB was bringing in 85 % of the revenue, would choose to go down this path

I'm literally licking my chops at what's coming down the pike
These guys made it personal; now they're going to pay
FSU should definitely get the Mountain West to cover part of their exit fee!
I'm sure the Mountain West or the AAC will be happy to give you a full share.

I am happy to see bad things happen to the ACC after their predatory raids (facilitated by ESPN) on the Big East.
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I'm sure the Mountain West or the AAC will be happy to give you a full share.

I am happy to see bad things happen to the ACC after their predatory raids (facilitated by ESPN) on the Big East.
We're in agreement in that we're both happy to see the bad things happen to the ACC - their bumbling nature knows no bounds
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They knew what was coming, as it was alluded to in the initial suit; yet, for some reason, decided not to settle and continue on in the willful ignorance and outward arrogance

Still, it isn't surprising that a conference who prioritized bball over football all those years, even though FB was bringing in 85 % of the revenue, would choose to go down this path

I'm literally licking my chops at what's coming down the pike
These guys made it personal; now they're going to pay
What's the next step in the legal battle? Any dates yet for discovery or court?