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Richie O

Hall of Famer
Mar 21, 2016
South Amboy, NJ
After much discussion, our staff has decided to start a new COVID thread, HERE is the link to the old one should you feel the need to go back and reference something. The old thread was extremely long and people started to bring politics into it. With that being said, NO POLITICS in this thread, if you do bring politics into the thread there will be no warnings and you will be banned from the thread temporarily, with increasing lengths of time with additional violations.
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After much discussion, our staff has decided to start a new COVID thread, HERE is the link to the old one should you feel the need to go back and reference something. The old thread was extremely long and people started to bring politics into it. With that being said, NO POLITICS in this thread, if you do bring politics into the thread there will be no warnings and you will be banned from the thread temporarily, with increasing lengths of time with additional violations.
Please hold people to the NO politics rule. Some folks in that thread, especially the most-wordy poster, always crosses the line.

Thanks for the new thread!
@Richard Schnyderite

When #'s gets political , it's only a matter of time, can we respond to those political posts? 😄
Or just report him and those posts? :)

Board violation. But I'll let this one slide. Also, being an engineer, I actually analyzed my last 100 posts and only about 15% had political content in them, with the rest being purely scientific. Can't say the same for Proud who is all political (and savage about it). T - you've been on great behavior in the COVID thread - keep it up.
Got the initial Moderna shot 2.5 weeks ago. Was surprised my arm was as sore as it was but was gone in a day or so. Did the V Safe surveys since and that was my only issue.
Wife got her 2nd dose this past week. Sore arm and some fatigue but worked at the hospital that day afterwards and rest of the week. No issues. Cannot wait for my 2nd in about 10 days.
Got the initial Moderna shot 2.5 weeks ago. Was surprised my arm was as sore as it was but was gone in a day or so. Did the V Safe surveys since and that was my only issue.
Wife got her 2nd dose this past week. Sore arm and some fatigue but worked at the hospital that day afterwards and rest of the week. No issues. Cannot wait for my 2nd in about 10 days.
I remember getting a tetanus booster about 8 years ago, that one hurt like a b for some reason. Sore arm for a few days.
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I remember getting a tetanus booster about 8 years ago, that one hurt like a b for some reason. Sore arm for a few days.
Haha same here. My last tetanus shot, it felt like someone punched me in the arm and gave me dead arm. For days! This wasn’t as bad thankfully. I forced myself to do some weights and push-ups and all and that seemed to help get rid of it.
The 2nd shot, I forgot my wife went to bed like 8pm which was funny but she felt better the next day for it. I’ll probably be in the same boat that day.
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Board violation. But I'll let this one slide. Also, being an engineer, I actually analyzed my last 100 posts and only about 15% had political content in them, with the rest being purely scientific. Can't say the same for Proud who is all political (and savage about it). T - you've been on great behavior in the COVID thread - keep it up.

@Richard Schnyderite

Example #1 😂

Kind of kidding
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Haha same here. My last tetanus shot, it felt like someone punched me in the arm and gave me dead arm. For days! This wasn’t as bad thankfully. I forced myself to do some weights and push-ups and all and that seemed to help get rid of it.
The 2nd shot, I forgot my wife went to bed like 8pm which was funny but she felt better the next day for it. I’ll probably be in the same boat that day.
I got a tetanus shot this summer. Cycling accident 6 stitches on my leg. Was warned by several, including the doctor who game me the shot that my arm would be sore for days. She used the phrase like "you were punched in the arm really hard" Next day and everyday after nothing. No pain at all. Then get the flu shot months later. No warning at all. Couldn't lift my arm up and hurt like hell for a few days.
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Board violation. But I'll let this one slide. Also, being an engineer, I actually analyzed my last 100 posts and only about 15% had political content in them, with the rest being purely scientific. Can't say the same for Proud who is all political (and savage about it). T - you've been on great behavior in the COVID thread - keep it up.

With all due respect to others, RU#'s, for my money you are the most knowledgeable and insightful poster on this topic. From what I observed, your posts with political content on this topic were mostly if not all responses to others, most of who contribute zero when it comes to constructive commentary on this topic. If you were ever to be temporary suspended over this thread, Richie should just shut down the thread.
I got a tetanus shot this summer. Cycling accident 6 stitches on my leg. Was warned by several, including the doctor who game me the shot that my arm would be sore for days. She used the phrase like "you were punched in the arm really hard" Next day and everyday after nothing. No pain at all. Then get the flu shot months later. No warning at all. Couldn't lift my arm up and hurt like hell for a few days.
Damn musta been some bike wreck!
Good to be up on the tetanus shot since when you get the vaccine you’re not supposed to get any others for a period.

I’m due for a tetanus shot but will have to wait now. I hit my head on a nail in the attic days after Moderna shot 1 and thankfully it was nothing.
Upstream - greatly appreciate your response towards the end of the previous thread on this topic.

One remaining question for you (or anyone else) - I can understand where the variant strains will absolutely make a difference in the testing, but should the prevalence of the virus during the test period make that much difference? The efficacy is measured against a control group within the same study period. If the study covers a period when the virus is running rampant, it will increase the credibility of the results, but I don't believe that it will bias the results up or down? Let me know if you disagree.
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Damn musta been some bike wreck!
Good to be up on the tetanus shot since when you get the vaccine you’re not supposed to get any others for a period.

I’m due for a tetanus shot but will have to wait now. I hit my head on a nail in the attic days after Moderna shot 1 and thankfully it was nothing.
It was actually mundane. Got cut off be a car. Abrupt stop. Put my leg down to stop from falling and peddle came around...slash! I had one bad fall at speed. Went down hard but just some road rash.
Didn't know you have to wait for other shots with vaccine. My last tetanus shot was in 1978. So I was due. Lol
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If I’m doing the math correctly 7% of all NJ has received the first shot and 1% has received both. It’s a start.

I was staying away from my mother to not give it to her and then she ended up getting it. She appears to be recovered. Fingers crossed.

Gotta remember NJ’s real target and demand is around 4.7M. So first shots are at about 13.5% of the way there. Not bad. Things will only accelerate from here.
Gotta remember NJ’s real target and demand is around 4.7M. So first shots are at about 13.5% of the way there. Not bad. Things will only accelerate from here.
I have heard the "accelerate from here" crap for over a month. Until we hit over 2,5 million a day than we are in big trouble. At the end of January people that have had both doses is less the 5 million. About 1.7% . We've been stuck at 1,2 million per day for nearly two weeks now.
I have heard the "accelerate from here" crap for over a month. Until we hit over 2,5 million a day than we are in big trouble. At the end of January people that have had both doses is less the 5 million. About 1.7% . We've been stuck at 1,2 million per day for nearly two weeks now.

Looks like growth to me. The increased supply in the next couple weeks will help as well.

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Board violation. But I'll let this one slide. Also, being an engineer, I actually analyzed my last 100 posts and only about 15% had political content in them, with the rest being purely scientific. Can't say the same for Proud who is all political (and savage about it). T - you've been on great behavior in the COVID thread - keep it up.

Also an engineer. But don't need to be one to know that 15% > 0 . Will be interesting to see when this limit is breached.

And happy to see in the J Hopkins 7 day moving average chart that the US daily cases have dropped sharply over the past two weeks and are now down to approximately where they were just prior to Thanksgiving. Hoping that steep downward slope continues.
Also an engineer. But don't need to be one to know that 15% > 0 . Will be interesting to see when this limit is breached.

And happy to see in the J Hopkins 7 day moving average chart that the US daily cases have dropped sharply over the past two weeks and are now down to approximately where they were just prior to Thanksgiving. Hoping that steep downward slope continues.
Predicted that weeks ago and it would keep going down, except for one variable - the new variants. If they're truly 50-70% more transmissible we might still see another spike, unless we really get moving on vaccines, which will still stop most infections from the variants, although it's not quite clear if the Moderna/Pfizer vaccines will have the exact same protection as they do for "coronavirus classic," but in vitro studies indicate they should be close. Deaths will absolutely continue to go down, regardless of cases, because we've now inoculated most of the LTC residents (who are ~40% of COVID deaths).
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Predicted that weeks ago and it would keep going down, except for one variable - the new variants. If they're truly 50-70% more transmissible we might still see another spike, unless we really get moving on vaccines, which will still stop most infections from the variants, although it's not quite clear if the Moderna/Pfizer vaccines will have the exact same protection as they do for "coronavirus classic," but in vitro studies indicate they should be close. Deaths will absolutely continue to go down, regardless of cases, because we've now inoculated most of the LTC residents (who are ~40% of COVID deaths).
I've haven't seen anyone say 70% in a long time. Most have retreated to the 50% bunker, without any science to back it up.
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Gotta remember NJ’s real target and demand is around 4.7M. So first shots are at about 13.5% of the way there. Not bad. Things will only accelerate from here.

You are correct. I always think 9M selfishly because I don’t think we get anywhere close to normal without vaccinating the kids. I don’t believe there are any approved for them at the moment but hopefully soon.
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You are correct. I always think 9M selfishly because I don’t think we get anywhere close to normal without vaccinating the kids. I don’t believe there are any approved for them at the moment but hopefully soon.
i heard by late spring/ early summer
You are correct. I always think 9M selfishly because I don’t think we get anywhere close to normal without vaccinating the kids. I don’t believe there are any approved for them at the moment but hopefully soon.
No new data on 12-17 yo until June at earliest. Not studies yet underway (as of Wednesday) on younger kids. Gonna be a while, sadly.
Looks like growth to me. The increased supply in the next couple weeks will help as well.

1.35M per day equates to around 9.5M/week and should result in approx. 255K/week for NJ based on our population share. According to reports, NJ is only getting about half of that - i.e. 130K/week, see attached article. Anyone know why it appears that we are being short changed?

COVID-19 vaccination megasite closing this weekend for lack of doses -
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Board violation. But I'll let this one slide. Also, being an engineer, I actually analyzed my last 100 posts and only about 15% had political content in them, with the rest being purely scientific. Can't say the same for Proud who is all political (and savage about it). T - you've been on great behavior in the COVID thread - keep it up.
IMO.. every one of your posts on this topic should come with an advisory as to whether you are financially invested in and company or competitor you mention... if you are (and same for everyone). No mention should mean no financial stake, no matter how small... unless it is buried in a fund and you have no idea.
Kids, no reason for them to get it.

Just not true.
I'm working in Pediatrics and writing the papers on this stuff and while most do fine, they transmit it ( and feel guilty for doing so), they can get very sick acutely ( unusual, but with large numbers it is a lot of kids), and they can get a delayed inflammatory illness, also rare percentage wise, but not in terms of numbers.

And we have no idea about long term impacts of this illness other than that they do occur.

So your comment would fall in the philosophical or political realm, not the scientific one.
IMO.. every one of your posts on this topic should come with an advisory as to whether you are financially invested in and company or competitor you mention... if you are (and same for everyone). No mention should mean no financial stake, no matter how small... unless it is buried in a fund and you have no idea.
All of my investments are in funds, meaning I don't even know what companies I have, as I never pay attention to that kind of stuff (I know I have more than enough for the next 40 years and beyond that I don't care - money was never a major motivation for me). Except for my Merck stock options and 401K shares and I've been pretty open about being a Merck employee for a long time. So I have no hidden financial conflicts at all and I think I'm kind of even-handed about Merck info.
Just not true.
I'm working in Pediatrics and writing the papers on this stuff and while most do fine, they transmit it ( and feel guilty for doing so), they can get very sick acutely ( unusual, but with large numbers it is a lot of kids), and they can get a delayed inflammatory illness, also rare percentage wise, but not in terms of numbers.

And we have no idea about long term impacts of this illness other than that they do occur.

So your comment would fall in the philosophical or political realm, not the scientific one.
That’s fine, but I would never give it to my kids. They would have to force me to.
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