OT: Police activity on Voorhees mall

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I'm reminded of this Palestinian man who was interviewed after his 12 year-old daughter had been shot and killed by what he said was an Israeli soldier. When asked how he could blame America he said that the killer had an American-supplied weapon with American-supplied ammunition, wore an American made uniform, and was trained by Americans.
We already knew where Israel got the bombs and the planes.
Israel manufactures its own small arms and also employs Belgian-made FN firearms. Doubtful it would be an American weapon or American ammunition.
It’s why I say some rules are only for some and not all. Why does it continue to happen? While others are banned or there posts deleted. It’s Do as I say not as I do. It’s why so many only post on the free board now why pay when your not given a fair shot.
That's a good question. I have an answer but that would involve something not allowed here and I'm not going to sink to their level.
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Rutgers actually handled the situation the right way. I won’t go into the details of dealing with protests, but the best choice was to deescalate the situation peacefully. Things could have gone south quickly, and with our hypercritical media, it would have made the situation much worse.

The next step is to revisit or establish formal policies about the erection of tents on university property without a permit. People should be allowed to assemble and carry signs as long as they are not disruptive, but there are usually ordinances for public spaces that regulate the what can and cannot be done. We have policies in place for tailgating, for example, and there should be general campus use policies as well. It makes sense to do this beyond the protest issue, otherwise campus spaces could become free-for-alls.
It’s not terrorism. It’s not even close to being in the same universe as terrorism. Employing hyperbole by using the word terrorism for a peaceful protest that inconvenienced some people is insulting to those people in Israel who lost their loved ones, or had them kidnapped, by actual terrorists in an actual act of terrorism.
Too many of these stories leave out Oct 7. IDF genocide? Bullshit.
There are Citizens of the United States who were taken hostage. Their fate is unknown.

Rutgers has far too many Marxist professors. Adding Arab/Muslim/Gazan faculty will only add to the anti-traditional values tilt. Halloway is part of the problem.
A peaceful resolution to a peaceful protest where both the school and students held ground.

Not one arrest. Not one act of violence.

The only people complaining are the anti-1A crowd.

All the press has been deservedly wonderful.

It's how universities and our country should work.
As usual, you misrepresent the facts.
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Okay, a number of posters who insist on involving CE Board activity in this thread have now been banned from this thread. Those who were banned can take it up with Richie.
The Ban Hammer Strikes Again! :)

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Too many of these stories leave out Oct 7. IDF genocide? Bullshit.
There are Citizens of the United States who were taken hostage. Their fate is unknown.

Rutgers has far too many Marxist professors. Adding Arab/Muslim/Gazan faculty will only add to the anti-traditional values tilt. Halloway is part of the problem.
None of that has anything to do with what I posted about terrorism.
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So apparently they brought the hammer down on the UVA campus today.

Police raid UVa encampment, arrest anti-war protesters

Heard about it from Tyler, apparently UVA does finals on Saturday (god knows why) but fortunately he's already done. He got text alerts to stay away from that area.

Dusgusting what’s going on around other campuses.

Anyone not satisfied with how Rutgers handled things are out of their minds.
Think he cares?
His statement about weapons was true but not nearly the whole story. The US supplies Israel with a ton of weapons and weapon systems.

I don’t think any father who just lost his 12 year old child would care if the particular weapon that killed his child was made in Israel or the US. The US is inextricably tied to Israel’s military might in both reality and in the minds of most Palestinians.

If any of us was that dad, we’d think the same way as that dad.
His statement about weapons was true but not nearly the whole story. The US supplies Israel with a ton of weapons and weapon systems.

I don’t think any father who just lost his 12 year old child would care if the particular weapon that killed his child was made in Israel or the US. The US is inextricably tied to Israel’s military might in both reality and in the minds of most Palestinians.

If any of us was that dad, we’d think the same way as that dad.
100%.I can't fathom the pain felt on both sides of this conflict. It's always the innocent that suffer the most, but hey, there's huge profit in war. Investments in military equipment and research in new killing devices would cease if there wasn't conflicts. It's a sad statement on all of humanity.
Too many of these stories leave out Oct 7. IDF genocide? Bullshit.
There are Citizens of the United States who were taken hostage. Their fate is unknown.

Rutgers has far too many Marxist professors. Adding Arab/Muslim/Gazan faculty will only add to the anti-traditional values tilt. Halloway is part of the problem.
I agree. Israel was attacked and it's citizens were murdered. That can never be overlooked.
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After reading about the concessions that the ADM made to end the protest I can only conclude that the ghost of Nevele Chamberlain is alive and well on the Rutgers campus. Appeasement of the supporters of kidnappers, rapist and murderers didn't work then and it will not work now.
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I agree. Israel was attacked and it's citizens were murdered. That can never be overlooked.
People can argue about the root causes of the conflict, but the current cause of this specific violence is Hamas. The Palestinian people would, IMO, gain vastly more support, and stand to achieve a vastly superior outcome, by ridding themselves of violent groups and working towards a solution peacefully.

All Hamas does is empower the hard-liners in Israel. Hamas will only ever bring the Palestinian people further loss (of life, of territory, of a future). Hamas want to drag the rest of the world into the conflict, which will again just worsen the lives of Palestinians and delay/reduce the chance of a good outcome for the Palestinian people.

OTOH, it is trivially easy for us to sit in our living rooms and recognize this truth from afar. It’s an entirely different thing to recognize it when on the ground in the middle of the conflict all these years, especially when you witness your family members and friends being killed and mutilated right in front of you.
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People can argue about the root causes of the conflict, but the current cause of this specific violence is Hamas.
Who is dropping those bombs and leveling most structures in Gaza.
Who is dropping those bombs and leveling most structures in Gaza.
Yesterday Hamas launched a rocket attack on IDF troops as they assisted in the delivery of humanitarian aid. Reports now are that four IDF soldiers have died. Bombs and rockets from both sides and one side limited food and aid upon entry.

IDF is working to evacuate civilians in preparation for the forthcoming attack on Hamas at Rafah. So when Israel moves quick into Rafah, whoever is there, stayed there to fight. This is hardly a genocide. The IDF is risking its own soldiers to protect and feed people in Gaza.

Who is dropping those bombs and leveling most structures in Gaza.
Do you think Hamas didn’t know that would happen when they killed and kidnapped children? When they chose to hide themselves among the innocent?

That destruction and death, of Palestinians, at the hands of Israelis, is precisely what Hamas wanted. It’s horrible. War is always horrible. Collateral damage is evil.

But none of that would be happening right now without Hamas having done what they did in the way that they did it.

I would prefer Israel be more surgical in their response. I am not happy about the seemingly indiscriminate killing.

But then that’s very easy to say sitting in my living room, my children safe and unharmed.
Who is dropping those bombs and leveling most structures in Gaza.
Who has been firing bombs at Israel for the past 20 years after Israel pulled out of Gaza and left the infrastructure completely in tact for the Palestinians only to have that infrastructure immediately destroyed and almost immediately thereafter rockets started being fired at Israel

What’s your address?
I’ll send you some money to buy a pair of glasses as you are literally blind to any factual evidence
I would prefer Israel be more surgical in their response. I am not happy about the seemingly indiscriminate killing.

That's kind of difficult seeing that Hamas has intentionally hidden their supplies and headquarters and what-have-you in and under population centers.
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That's kind of difficult seeing that Hamas has intentionally hidden their supplies and headquarters and what-have-you in and under population centers.

Hamas also uses civilians as human shields.

They execute many of their own citizens for “collaborating “ with Israel.

Israel does not indiscriminately kill anyone.
They go extra miles to be as targeted as possible against the Hamas terrorist network.

That's kind of difficult seeing that Hamas has intentionally hidden their supplies and headquarters and what-have-you in and under population centers.
Yes, I understand that. I'd still prefer less collateral damage, especially of children.

Difficult, even extremely difficult, does not mean impossible. There's a harsh trade-off. The lives of some soldiers for the lives of some children who've done nothing wrong is a trade-off I'd be willing to make as a leader or as a soldier. It's a very hard choice, and the outcome can never be perfect no matter the approach. But it's the correct choice, IMO.

Children die in war. Hamas, who have no problem at all with intentionally killing children, is surely to blame for this situation.

But that doesn't absolve Israel from a moral responsibility to do the right thing, hard as that may be. Israel's goal may be to kill every last member of Hamas; a goal I fully support. But will the current approach accomplish that? Are these children who are dying purchasing a better long-term outcome for Israel? Maybe. Maybe not. Who can say?

Again, this is all so very easy for us to judge from the comfort of our homes free of the daily threats faced by the Israeli people or the current devastation being experienced by Palestinians.
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Do you think Hamas didn’t know that would happen when they killed and kidnapped children? When they chose to hide themselves among the innocent?

That destruction and death, of Palestinians, at the hands of Israelis, is precisely what Hamas wanted. It’s horrible. War is always horrible. Collateral damage is evil.

But none of that would be happening right now without Hamas having done what they did in the way that they did it.

I would prefer Israel be more surgical in their response. I am not happy about the seemingly indiscriminate killing.
1. Like most people upset about the killing of so many children in Gaza I have nothing but hatred for Hamas.
2. If you think that collateral damage is just part of the evils of war, are you implying that all of those involved in wars commit the same levels of collateral damage ? Isn't it true that sometimes countries go to great lengths to avoid killing innocent women and children and then there are situations where evil doers think nothing of the innocents....such as the Russians in Chechnya years back. Or the military dictatorship in Burma right now.
U.S. miliary experts I've heard have criticized the seeming wantonness of Israel's bombing.
3. This conflict has been going on for a long time. I despise what Hamas did in October and IMO they can all burn in hell. But this conflict has been going on for a long, long time. It didn't start with Hamas' surprise attack back in October. And there is enough blame to go around on both sides.
4. "Seemingly" indiscriminate ? Most of the world has spoken out against Israel's reaction to the Hamas attack. Sometimes nations go too far in reacting when attacked. This is clearly one of those.
BTW, IMO not enough attention is being paid to the comments by two key fundamentalist members of Netanyahu's coalition government. Their plans for Gaza and the West Bank are indefensible. And sadly they seem to hold significant sway in the current Israeli coalition government.
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Israel does not indiscriminately kill anyone.
Perhaps you are using a meaning of indiscriminate I'm unfamiliar with, but that statement is simply untrue. It would also be untrue for the United States.

Indiscriminate means "not marked by careful distinction". In the case of war, it means not always carefully distinguishing who will be killed by an attack.

Both Israel and the US, along with pretty much every other nation at war, have indiscriminately killed people. Dropping a bomb on populated buildings in a city is indiscriminate unless one can somehow know that every person within the buildings is a combatant.

The alternative of being indiscriminate when executing an attack in which we are fairly sure there will be collateral damage would be to intentionally target civilians (a tactic associated with terrorism).

Indiscriminate is already bad enough. Intentionally (discriminatorily) killing civilians would be far worse. I'd like to think neither Israel nor the US would intentionally do that.
Perhaps you are using a meaning of indiscriminate I'm unfamiliar with, but that statement is simply untrue. It would also be untrue for the United States.

Indiscriminate means "not marked by careful distinction". In the case of war, it means not always carefully distinguishing who will be killed by an attack.

Both Israel and the US, along with pretty much every other nation at war, have indiscriminately killed people. Dropping a bomb on populated buildings in a city is indiscriminate unless one can somehow know that every person within the buildings is a combatant.

The alternative of being indiscriminate when executing an attack in which we are fairly sure there will be collateral damage would be to intentionally target civilians (a tactic associated with terrorism).

Indiscriminate is already bad enough. Intentionally (discriminatorily) killing civilians would be far worse. I'd like to think neither Israel nor the US would intentionally do that.

You almost need a 3rd term. I associate "indiscriminate" with area bombing/carpet bombing like with Hamburg, Dresden and Tokyo in WWII. To a degree, Russia is doing that with the cruise missiles hitting Kiev. On the other side would be a single shot that takes out a single target. The US did that with Solymani. What Israel is doing is hitting specific Hamas targets with the knowledge that there will be civilian collateral damage and casualties.
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