"This board is so distrurbing"

Classic. The usual suspects remain in full force. The only difference is Nuts was clearly a Schiano guy. Either that or he just turned over to the dark side because he really wanted that Orange Bowls a few years ago. LOL.
This proves that many posters are weatherman in disguise. So wrong, yet again, but don't worry just issue another forecast to cover your tracks.
Thanks. Great to see posts from The Huge One aka MikefromLasVegas.
It's been a long time.
I was tougher on Teel than I realized and more defensive of Hart but overall I still don't think I ever 'crossed the line'. In the first half of that year we were a complete and utter mess.

Joe P.
Anyone who has to bring up a post from 2008 or whenever that was has ZERO life. Thats a fact...
Joe...remember we were basing opinions off a disappointing 2007 and I assume this was right around the 1-5 start so these kind of thoughts were understandable
He's an idiot for trying to bring up Schiano. I don't think you want to compare him to Flood. He complains about people bad mouthing Flood but he start the thread to start the bad mouthing. OUR RECRUITING WAS SO GREAT THIS YEAR NUMBER 11 OUT 14 IN THE BIG TEN. Some of the our fans said it was the best recruiting class Rutgers ever had. Insanity.
This post was edited on 3/14 11:51 AM by rutgersdave
Bac, that thread was right after the '08 Navy game, which was probably the low point of the season for us. I was still more harsh than I realized but again I don't think I ever 'got personal' or just spewed venom. Mike deserves a ton of credit for how he finished that year.

Joe P.
Great to see some of the old posters, and to see how nuts is holding flood to a different standard.
Just a thought. The kids we are recruiting for class of 2016 were in 4th grade back then. What do you think they remember about the 08 season?
Two thoughts...

1) Who would have thought the ultra positive/RU defender Nuts would eventually become the Nuts of the last 1.5 years...

2) Boy do we as fans create a moving target. We want a bowl game. No we want to be over .500 and a bowl game every year. No we want winning records against BCS level teams only, forget the scrubs. No we want a conference championship. No we don't want co-champs, we want a BCS bowl. We want to be in a real conference. Nope we want a winning record in a real conference. Nope we want to win our division and be top 3 B1G in recruiting each year.

9 of 10 seasons .500 or better (or 8 of 10 because of the ND bowl game 2013), all the bowls, the big wins, the step up in competition, the stadium upgrades... its been a hell of a ride. Its a shame some here didn't enjoy the process. Disclaimer: I've been critical at times as well.
Anyone have access to the post that John posted about the Big 10 invite the weekend before the announcement. That would be cool to reread.
I said some mean stuff to my mommy in 1967 . How do I live with that??????????????? If I could bring her back I believe she would just let it go.. ...
Originally posted by Yeah Baby:
Classic. The usual suspects remain in full force. The only difference is Nuts was clearly a Schiano guy. Either that or he just turned over to the dark side because he really wanted that Orange Bowls a few years ago. LOL.
This may be closer to the mark.
BAC/joe- glad to see you both looking at that thread the way you are. Joe- CPE, Seriously lol. Just busting your balls.

KS- these old message board finds are great
Originally posted by JoeRU0304:
Bac, that thread was right after the '08 Navy game, which was probably the low point of the season for us. I was still more harsh than I realized but again I don't think I ever 'got personal' or just spewed venom. Mike deserves a ton of credit for how he finished that year.

Joe P.
Was that the "punch" game?
E5- Yeahp, that was the infamous 'punch game'.

Yes- yeah, probably wasn't one of my best calls but in the context of the time it made a bit more sense. We had just witnessed our 5th year senior QB telegraph a horrendous INT to end the game and then take a swing at a teammate in the midst of our worst start since 2002. Mike's head must have been all over the place at the time and much like Nova needed at times IMO, he really could have used some breaks to get himself right (which is what we ended up doing vs UConn later that year with Natale).

Joe P.
...and absolutely agree with yes; these old threads are a time capsule.

Joe P.
Originally posted by JoeRU0304:
Bac, that thread was right after the '08 Navy game, which was probably the low point of the season for us. I was still more harsh than I realized but again I don't think I ever 'got personal' or just spewed venom. Mike deserves a ton of credit for how he finished that year.

Joe P.
The date on the posts there says 10/5.. so that is after the West Virginia game and we are 1-4 and about to lose to Cinci.. having only beaten Morgan State.

We would then go 7-0 the rest of the season and beat.. was it Ball State in the International Bowl?

At 1-4 with Ray Rice, Kenny Britt and a few NFL OLinemen... there was ample reason for concern. Schiano's conservative predilections killed that team and would do worse in the following 2-3 seasons.. but it was his team. He built it from the ground up and our disappointment was because he had raise all our expectations.

It seems to me most of our troubles then stemmed from assistant coach turnover based on not being able to pay to keep the better coaches here. Giving Flood the keys to the offense re: OC for the running game was one of Schiano's worst moves.
I saw some good things in Greg that made me post something along the lines of we need to look him up long term to show the recruits he would be here for a while they did just that. I have to admit I haven't had that feeling about Kyle yet but things looks they are going in the right direction. This class will go a long way it helping me decide for the long term. Funny what a few late season wins will do.
GOR, we ended up facing NC State in the Papajohn's Bowl at the end of the '08 season. I really never expected us to open up that horrendously...and I also didn't expect us to finish that strongly either (at 1-5, I figured we'd finish 4-8). One of the biggest issues I remember from the first half of the year was the offense being run like Rice was still there; once we switched to the pass setting up the run, the offense exploded.

One of the interesting forgotten scenarios of the 2008 postseason was the possibility of a Rutgers/ Ball State bowl rematch. Ball State went 12-0 in the regular season and sort of threatened as a BCS buster but wasn't ranked quite high enough. They were playing Buffalo in the MAC title game and there were serious rumblings that with a win, they would end up playing Rutgers (the last team that beat them, which was at the '08 International Bowl) in the Motor City Bowl. Ball State was on their way...until a 3rd quarter meltdown (UB ran back fumbles for TD's on consecutive drives) derailed the Cardinals and spurred Buffalo to the MAC title. Buffalo ended up in Toronto (which made sense due to proximity), we ended up taking on NC State in Birmingham (after almost ending up facing Troy State and a brief pipe dream of ND, but they ended up in Hawaii), and Ball State ended up going through the motions in the GMAC Bowl, getting absolutely blasted by Tulsa (63-7 or something like that)...I've never quite seen a team just fall off the map the way BSU did to end '08.

Joe P.
Originally posted by JoeRU0304:
GOR, we ended up facing NC State in the Papajohn's Bowl at the end of the '08 season. I really never expected us to open up that horrendously...and I also didn't expect us to finish that strongly either (at 1-5, I figured we'd finish 4-8). One of the biggest issues I remember from the first half of the year was the offense being run like Rice was still there; once we switched to the pass setting up the run, the offense exploded.

One of the interesting forgotten scenarios of the 2008 postseason was the possibility of a Rutgers/ Ball State bowl rematch. Ball State went 12-0 in the regular season and sort of threatened as a BCS buster but wasn't ranked quite high enough. They were playing Buffalo in the MAC title game and there were serious rumblings that with a win, they would end up playing Rutgers (the last team that beat them, which was at the '08 International Bowl) in the Motor City Bowl. Ball State was on their way...until a 3rd quarter meltdown (UB ran back fumbles for TD's on consecutive drives) derailed the Cardinals and spurred Buffalo to the MAC title. Buffalo ended up in Toronto (which made sense due to proximity), we ended up taking on NC State in Birmingham (after almost ending up facing Troy State and a brief pipe dream of ND, but they ended up in Hawaii), and Ball State ended up going through the motions in the GMAC Bowl, getting absolutely blasted by Tulsa (63-7 or something like that)...I've never quite seen a team just fall off the map the way BSU did to end '08.

Joe P.
I have been told bluntly (by two former players) that GS was a large part of the early season issues that year for the reason you mention. He had "his" way of playing and it was not until the season was almost lost that he allowed the OC and offense to do their thing. Over the last 7 games that season, they played like one of the best teams we have ever had here.

This post was edited on 3/15 9:58 AM by wisr01
Wis, I hear you and was also told something similar by a player's family member as well.

Joe P.
Wow !
That was way back when I was allowed to have that Treeman quote as my signature.
Good times.
I wonder what happened to MIKE from LV. That was the season Mike Teel couldn't throw the ball into the ocean from the beach, ....according to ay Lukas,for what, the first 5 games. Everything all of a sudden came together against Pitt.
Originally posted by JoeRU0304:
E5- Yeahp, that was the infamous 'punch game'.

Yes- yeah, probably wasn't one of my best calls but in the context of the time it made a bit more sense. We had just witnessed our 5th year senior QB telegraph a horrendous INT to end the game and then take a swing at a teammate in the midst of our worst start since 2002. Mike's head must have been all over the place at the time and much like Nova needed at times IMO, he really could have used some breaks to get himself right (which is what we ended up doing vs UConn later that year with Natale).

Joe P.
Joe-The players on the field were absolutely shocked when Mike threw that pass. After that game was the worst I have ever seen player moral. First, they couldn't believe they all played that bad and 2nd, they were all 100% confident in that final drive until that pass was thrown.

As for the beginning of 08...the play calling was horrible in the first half of the season. The way the OL was set was also a mess. They all knew that AD and Kevin were heads and shoulders above the right side of the line but GS wanted to overload the left side of the line.
Play calling...I remember that at some point around the time of this old thread, I pointed out that we need to see some play action and some pitches to the RB's. Look at the end of the season and these two simple plays accounted for most of the big plays.

The big stars on the team also came into the season being allowed to rule the roost. Amazing because if would seem that GS would always be tough on everyone. Right about the time of the UConn game, everyone started hearing of our star players chances in the draft dropping like rocks and then and only then did they start to play like their livelihood relied on it.
Yes, thanks again for the inside perspective; it's greatly appreciated. That last throw in the Navy game...I remember Brock being bracketed by a LB, safety and there might have been a 3rd person there too. I remember actually yelling, "NOOOOO...Oh my God..." when I saw him throw where he did because like 4 of his last 6 throws were at Brock... It was hard to believe that the same QB who threw that pass lit up everyone the way he did over the last 6 games.

That '08 team, despite probably blowing a BCS bid in that horrendous start, is one of my favorite Rutgers squads ever because of the way they fought back. It would have been easy to just complete the implosion and quit; they showed who they really were when they decided to fight. I remember a thread on the WVU board after our USF game that said, "Thank God we played Rutgers when we did", with many there saying we would have beaten them by 2 scores+ had we played later in the year and we were the best team in the league that just put it all together a game too late. Still, their rally was crucial in the Stadium expansion battle.

Joe P.