

Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003
I'm so down on RU hoops that I was really thinking about staying home tonight, rather than subject myself to another home blow out loss. But, a friend said you have to go to honor Myles Mack on senior night. And, he's right. Mack stuck with the program and gives 100% every night - not to mention the other seniors who could have bolted, but stayed. That is reason enough to go, so I'll be there. I hope others feel the same way.
I am going for the same reason, to support Mack. Loyal son of Rutgers despite all the hell he went through in his four years here.
I feel the same way.I used to count the days until the next game. I live 1,000+miles away but watched or at the very least listened on net radio.

I actually forgot about 2 games this year.....1st 2 ever.

I WILL watch tonight.
I'd go even without it being Senior Night, so of course I'll be there tonight. Through good times and bad times, gotta stick together.
I haven't been able to make a game this year, first time in 8 years. But I do wish I was able to go to support Mack tonight. I feel like the fan base and the program owe him a huge boost. He is a true loyal scarlet knight for life.