I just noticed that this is my 35,000th post.
I tried to think of something profound to say, but after 34,999 tries, why should I start now.
I also considered saving my 35,000 post until Selection Sunday. But if Selection Sunday is worth saving the post for, that means there will be a lot of excitement between now and then. I'll probably have something to say. This season is just too much fun.
Then I thought, to hit 35,000 posts since July 2001, I have to post an average of almost 5.2 times a day. I better get back to work before my boss starts looking for me.
I tried to think of something profound to say, but after 34,999 tries, why should I start now.
I also considered saving my 35,000 post until Selection Sunday. But if Selection Sunday is worth saving the post for, that means there will be a lot of excitement between now and then. I'll probably have something to say. This season is just too much fun.
Then I thought, to hit 35,000 posts since July 2001, I have to post an average of almost 5.2 times a day. I better get back to work before my boss starts looking for me.