Yes, a total hypothetical, but imagine the following:
Did Kyle ever think of this, or was the probably of the 3rd bullet so remote it was not a worry?
- Barnwell's professor knew how to change his grade on-line, and was able to do so w/o Flood needing to contact any academic advisors.
- The April 25th incident never happens, and Barnwell is eligible and has a big year
- Rutgersal pre-season prediction comes through, and Rutgers has a breakthrough year and is primed to go to one of the big bowl games (who knows, maybe even one of the playoff games, lol)
- A week before the big bowl, it comes to light that Flood had impermissible contact with Barnwell's professor, and the changed grade is the only reason that Barnwell was eligible; Rutgers is subsequently forced to forfeit all games that Barnwell played in, the bowl opportunity is stripped from us
Did Kyle ever think of this, or was the probably of the 3rd bullet so remote it was not a worry?