I feel that Flood was really trying to do right by his player.. I think his intentions were right.. Unfortunately, he did break University policies to achieve that, for which he is being disciplined for, and DESERVEDLY so.. And then to find out that the player was one of those involved in that assault in the spring just kills me, as Flood really put himself on the line for this kid.. I think the most telling thing in the report is that during their face to face meeting in Princeton that Both recollections were substantially the same...Also the fact that the complaint came from the academic support staff, and not the professor, was pretty surprising.. I know this is a real tough time for our fanbase right now, with everything else happening...But I do wanna say that I still support Coach Flood as I believe he truly cares for his players not only on the field, but off the field also!! I still believe we can win with him as our coach going forward. Now I understand it is not the most popular thing to say right now, but that is my PERSONAL OPINION...