All Star Match

Byrd (coin flip)
Elam (coin flip)
Carr (match of the night)
Lewis (co match of the night)
What's the purpose of holding this event in some studio with no fans? Stupid. Why not have it in a real arena with fans?
Good ?
But I'm happy to see it back in rotation. Lots of these matches wouldn't happen in a dual 🦆🦆
What's the purpose of holding this event in some studio with no fans? Stupid. Why not have it in a real arena with fans?
Flo wants the $$$. This is there own property it is being held at. No overhead, and they think they will get more PPV's for the match. Stupid, but par for the course for Flo.
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Flo wants the $$$. This is there own property it is being held at. No overhead, and they think they will get more PPV's for the match. Stupid, but par for the course for Flo.
Just another reason wrestling struggles to gain popularity and more fans.
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Just another reason wrestling struggles to gain popularity and more fans.
Leonard I mentioned that very same point with my boy Jon earlier. Ridiculous to have these high level matches in an empty studio. And FLO… for the love of all that is holy… retire that ridiculous red Tron looking background when the wrestlers enter. It looks like some contraption you can buy at Home Depot for Halloween.
Leonard I mentioned that very same point with my boy Jon earlier. Ridiculous to have these high level matches in an empty studio. And FLO… for the love of all that is holy… retire that ridiculous red Tron looking background when the wrestlers enter. It looks like some contraption you can buy at Home Depot for Halloween.
Yeah it's stupid to have these matches there.
The barrier of entry to be a wrestling fan is high..
Too many wrestlers apparently think everything in life has to be a struggle akin to cutting 10 lbs the night before weigh-ins or it's not worthy... 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
Yeah, def should have allowed access and made this an event. Crazy line up.
Happy to see the guys put it on the line tho.
Does anyone know if this was exhibition or live? Back in the day it was an "exhibition" match
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Facts are wrestling fans don't show up . They do for duals in a few places and NCAAs . Wrestling fans bitch about no fans but about 1% would think about going. Until wrestling fans show up and prove that they will over and over this is what we will get
The biggest is the insistence of having the tournament the same weekend that the NCAA tournament starts. I wonder how much viewership would increase if the shifted the season up one week.
100%. I would argue that Thursday is the single biggest day of NCAA sports calendar in terms of viewership, maybe only rivaled by the national title game in football. Putting the wrestling championships on that day is so incredibly stupid. I’m a huge college wrestling and basketball fan. I barely watch the wrestling tournament aside from the Rutgers wrestlers because I’d rather watch the basketball opening round.
Facts are wrestling fans don't show up . They do for duals in a few places and NCAAs . Wrestling fans bitch about no fans but about 1% would think about going. Until wrestling fans show up and prove that they will over and over this is what we will get
Not sure I buy that, entirely. Wrestling tournaments are hard to attend. This weekends tournament has Rutgers wrestling for like 10 hours. That’s an impossible time commitment for 99.9% of wrestling fans. Way easier to tune in virtually. And as our friends showed here, these things can be streamed at no cost. Get a wrestler or someone close to the program to hold up an iPad and connect to Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, or any other free platform. I understand there’s money to be made here, but the long term play is to reach as many people as possible whenever you can.
Not sure I buy that, entirely. Wrestling tournaments are hard to attend. This weekends tournament has Rutgers wrestling for like 10 hours. That’s an impossible time commitment for 99.9% of wrestling fans. Way easier to tune in virtually.
When we held the B1G's I had 8 tickets, I was the only one who made it each day and for every match. I was mentally exhausted by the end. And these were season ticket holders in my group coming from Bound Brook and Piscataway. Like you said, the time commitment was impossible for most. I cleared my calendar weeks before, by the end I was burnt out on wrestling.
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