Anthony Cioffi Signs with BC Lions

Good for him. Serious question, are the CFL games available on FIOS? I would definitely make some time to watch AC.
Cicero, the espn channels tend to show some games ( sometimes two in one night) the first third of the season. Then they jump back in and do some playoffs and the Grey Cup. I believe the CFL has a service where you can watch games on your computer/cell phone.
Good for him!! The kid deserves it. One of the hardest workers RU ever had.
Absolutely! Like everyone else, I remember the UCF runner steam rolling Cioffi. What I also remember is he got right up and chased the guy down the field.
I remember him catching peppers and telling him "Man you are slow" ;-) Great kid, great family...Happy for them
Ranges are all over the place depending on source, but median seems to be about $100k a year. Not sure if that’s CND or USD.
That may be the median but the average is far below that if I recall. It wasn't even worth the consideration a few years back.
I wish the young man well but there will be a time soon to make an important life decision. He has his Rutgers degree and it may be time soon to start using it. Unless he plans to go into the family business, then he has some extra time to keep playing the sport he loves.
Thanks for posting Heaven. The BC Lions average (I take that to be mean?) salary is $85k USD. League minimum is at least $65k. Oddly enough, the average salaries for the 3 teams in Canada's biggest cities (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, respectively) are the lowest in the league, while cost of living in those cities is the highest. So needless to say, Anthony is playing for the love of the game. If he's smart with this money, he should be able to afford to pay a modest rent and car payments while not accruing debt. The salary is certainly decent compared to your average Rutgers graduate a few years out of school. And he has no college debt.
Thanks for posting Heaven. The BC Lions average (I take that to be mean?) salary is $85k USD. League minimum is at least $65k. Oddly enough, the average salaries for the 3 teams in Canada's biggest cities (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, respectively) are the lowest in the league, while cost of living in those cities is the highest. So needless to say, Anthony is playing for the love of the game. If he's smart with this money, he should be able to afford to pay a modest rent and car payments while not accruing debt. The salary is certainly decent compared to your average Rutgers graduate a few years out of school. And he has no college debt.
Good info - but if he is not going into the family business- the consideration is the years he is losing on the front end of his next career in life.
Hopefully he is pocketing a lot of this money. Don’t know if they do it in the CFL, but in some of the foreign basketball leagues, you get Free housing and food in addition to salary.
Thanks for posting Heaven. The BC Lions average (I take that to be mean?) salary is $85k USD. League minimum is at least $65k. Oddly enough, the average salaries for the 3 teams in Canada's biggest cities (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, respectively) are the lowest in the league, while cost of living in those cities is the highest. So needless to say, Anthony is playing for the love of the game. If he's smart with this money, he should be able to afford to pay a modest rent and car payments while not accruing debt. The salary is certainly decent compared to your average Rutgers graduate a few years out of school. And he has no college debt.

Yes, an average is the mean. That number may be distorted by a few players making a lot of money; the median (the 50% point in a list of salaries from top to bottom) would probably be more indicative of what Anthony will be making, at least in his first year. Best of luck to a player who always fought hard for Rutgers!
Camden, just a note, this is his third year playing in Canada. He played two years for the Ottawa REDBLACKS.

when RULoyal asked:
"What kind of $$$ does the CFL pay? "

here's the currency Cioffi probably will be paid in
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