Anyone going to this thing Saturday?

My son is heading out there. looking for a ticket deal if anybody gets stuck with a few.
Was supposed to go since I have family that teaches at OSU and live within a 5-10 minute walk to the stadium. Unfortunately they are going to be out of town this weekend so it fell through as I didn't feel comfortable crashing at their place with them not there even though they offered. Beautiful area. I've only seen the outside of the stadium walking by but it's massive.
Day of game - get to the Varsity Club off of High Street (5 minute walk to the Shoe). Our group did not have to buy one drink as the OSU fans treated us like royalty. They also have food their from the German Village - great brats.
The real a** kicking will come on november 19. WE ARE

Ped State

Anyone travelling to OSU for the ass kicking?
Went two years ago and really wish i was going again. We got shitfaced at a place called "The Little Bar" where we drank outside with TV's all over the place. Had a really fun time. We had the 3:30 game though.

You will have a great time.
I went a couple years ago. Thurman's was pretty good but the real place to go in my opinion is Jeni's ice cream. The fans were pretty cool except for the douchebags that were sitting in our seats when we got to the stadium and then tried to act like he misread his ticket, and also the jackass taxi driver that took some distant out-of-the-way path to get to our hotel. Trash talking was light, one person we passed on the sidewalk on our way to the stadium said, "You guys are gonna get smashed," to which I replied, "No, I don't think we'll be drinking that much." I'm sure if they perceived us as a bigger threat, they might have been more hostile though.
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Anyone travelling to OSU for the ass kicking?
We are making the trip. I use to live in Ohio and have friends there. When in Columbus try the fried Bologna sandwich, if you stomach can take it add the onion. There is a really nice botanical garden in the city.
I like what I'm reading sbout the OSU fans. I was a music Ed major at RU, in the band, of course, and eventually went to grad school at Michigan (phenomenal school), where I was in the band. While the rivalry with OSU is something one can't describe, only experience, the OSU band students were quite civil, friendly.....let me explain. The MSU band kids were not friendly, wanted nothing to do with the UM band kids. Kudos to the OSU fan base
To those of you who are coming to Columbus I hope you have a great time. I think you'll be treated well. Please be safe travelling and good luck to your team.
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To those of you who are coming to Columbus I hope you have a great time. I think you'll be treated well. Please be safe travelling and good luck to your team.

thank you!

Hubby and I have all day Friday to explore. I was thinking the zoo...anything else you would recommend? someplace to try for lunch? we are driving from NJ so have a car