"better players"

Honestly I don't even think that's particularly controversial. Lots of guys know when they're maybe not quite up to the standards of P5 football. And for some it doubtless motivates them to prove that wrong.
Honestly I don't even think that's particularly controversial. Lots of guys know when they're maybe not quite up to the standards of P5 football. And for some it doubtless motivates them to prove that wrong.

it's aren't stupid...i'm sure they feel the same way
I remember Wannstedt in his first year. Some Thursday night game during a halftime interview on the field he said about 3 times, "The guys just need to run faster!"

It was awesome.
I noticed the slip up and the correction, but it was more because I think he realized it would be taken out of context.

He said he wanted to recruit better players. That should be the goal of every coaching staff everywhere. If you recruit better players every year, you will be on the way up, and fast. Its obviously not PC, because all of the players are supposed to be great and exactly who you want, but there is nothing wrong with saying what he said.
Better players are definitely needed to successfully compete in the B1G for football,mens basketball and many other teams at Rutgers.
If he'd said "we want to recruit the best players", he'd have been fine. Again, I see it as more of a first-time HC not being polished in that situation.
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Ash knows a lot about our team due to having to play us. He knows who is good and who can be taken advantage of.
Unlike a lot of individuals we could have hired, he knows a lot already.
If he'd said "we want to recruit the best players", he'd have been fine. Again, I see it as more of a first-time HC not being polished in that situation.
I don't think he intended it to come out that way but I believe it was a Freudian slip and he really does believe we need a roster upgrade. And I agree.

I think we're going to see more than the usual number of transfers after Spring ball and in the long run it will be exactly what this team needs.
We need better players to compete. Who the hell would disagree with that?
The way he said it indicated it was his first priority, as it should be. Lets hope he has some success.
We need a serious roster upgrade - if you can't see that, you weren't watching the games

The roster for next year is poised for mediocrity, at best

Why shouldn't he verbalize it?

Let's get real players in here
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It ( Recruit Better Players ) slipped out, but....he did a quick followup with different words.
He means more 3 stars players and less 2 stars players. Every 2 stars player can not be a hidden gem like Flood expected. Ash knows recruiting matters.
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My business coach (and before you judge me, my income tripled in my first year using her) often says if you want to accomplish something, you have to say it out loud and then notice how things start to happen. And I don't mean saying it to yourself in a mirror. Just say the thing you want.

He wants to recruit better players. I bet better players are paying attention now.
I bet that most players think he was talking about somebody else. Those that are worried about getting recruited over, welcome to the world of B1G football. You better believe that most players plan on working a little harder right off the bat to impress the Coach. If they're not willing, do we want them here?
Say what ??????
We rolled UNC just a year ago and played inspiring ball against Michigan State this year. We need a staff that's going to prepair, inspire and motivate our boys ever Saturday. We need a staff that'll come in and 180 this program like UNC did.
We rolled UNC just a year ago and played inspiring ball against Michigan State this year. We need a staff that's going to prepair, inspire and motivate our boys ever Saturday. We need a staff that'll come in and 180 this program like UNC did.

It is Fedora's 4th year at UNC.
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The defensive line needs to be improved/strengthened. I once heard that the most difficult position to recruit is a top 5 defensive lineman. While I agree to try and keep things in percepective we do need to bring in one or two top 25 defensive linemen.

When your linebackers creep up to fill in gaps to protect against the run you're in essenes forcing CB's into 1 on 1 coverage. I believe Ash needs to recruit D-linemen who can defend without LB help. Why? Because when LB fall back into passing lanes QB's panic and either short-stroke or over-throw passes forcing interceptions.

My other wish is to recruit safeties who truly understand the game. When is the last time we saw a delayed blitz where the safety slides over to the End then cutting in between the TE and Tackle. One thing I did like about Schiano is that he did try old school blitz packages that worked. Sometimes it's difficult being politically correct but YES better athletes would help. Just saying.
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Also lost 3 games in the last minute or so. WR needs to improve a lot also. hope a kid like Mack can play right away.