Big boy football (Chas Dodd's sibling)


Heisman Winner
Apr 1, 2004
Chas Dodd's sibling Jake Bentley, whose Dad is a first year (ahem) running back coach at South Carolina, is an early enrollment player at South Carolina. This is how the Big Boys roll. More direct and out front than the suitcase full of cash delivered to Cam Newton's family. Rutgers has to up its game when it comes to recruiting and tactics used. It is not for the light-hearted and honor-bound.
Sorry, but if we start going down that road they'll lose me as a fan.
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Status quo right now is Irrelevant University when it comes to football and men's basketball. We can continue down that path. South Carolina is doing whatever it takes to keep South Carolina athletes home. Fans want to see "name" players and star athletes. Beat downs are unacceptable. We are in the Big Ten and there are home games where Rutgers season ticket buyers can't give away tickets and parking tags. For free to college sports fans. Very sad. And we can't land legacy players to top it all off.
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So we should accept players being able to rape coeds, boosters giving players new cars, sham classes and degrees, family members of players hired despite being unqualified, booze, hookers, guns and drugs being supplied to players by rich patrons, etc. Gotcha!
Status quo right now is Irrelevant University when it comes to football and men's basketball. We can continue down that path. South Carolina is doing whatever it takes to keep South Carolina athletes home. Fans want to see "name" players and star athletes. Beat downs are unacceptable. We are in the Big Ten and there are home games where Rutgers season ticket buyers can't give away tickets and parking tags. For free to college sports fans. Very sad. And we can't land legacy players to top it all off.

I'd like to win. Do whatever it takes to win.
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So we should accept players being able to rape coeds, boosters giving players new cars, sham classes and degrees, family members of players hired despite being unqualified, booze, hookers, guns and drugs being supplied to players by rich patrons, etc. Gotcha!
You realize that the linked articles are about Chas Dodd's stepdad and sibling? From all I've heard of the Dodd's ... good family, good people, honorable. South Carolina did what it needed to land this promising in-state player/talent. Even though the son played a year of high school ball in Nick Saban territory. I tip my hat to the Gamecocks!
Let's stop with the BS and accusations. Chas' dad coached in South Carolina for many years. I believe the last year or two he was on the Auburn staff in some capacity. Now he's back at home in SC. The family us a good one and I am willing to bet that if their was an opening at Rutgers and we were recruiting his son or stepson there may have been an offer there too for him.

I would love to see Chas back at Rutgers as a grad assistant. He would be a great one and an excellent addition to the staff.
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With the way Chas was treated at RU do you REALLY think he would come back as a grad asst?
He was one of the best QBs in SC in HS
His dad could get him connected as a grad asst at many a better program.
USCe is a big boy? Since when?

The true big boys of college football would never hire a player parent. They don't need to.
USCe is a big boy? Since when?

The true big boys of college football would never hire a player parent. They don't need to.
Since Steve Spurrier was hired. Big boys hire a parent when their football credentials are good. Otherwise, they find ways to make the athlete's family comfortable. Didn't one of the Michigan teams hire the mother of one of their athletes?
Sorry, but if we start going down that road they'll lose me as a fan.

lol we'd gain 10 fans for every 1 we lose.

No one is talking about players breaking the law, raping women, cheating the academic system etc, we're talking about playing the recruiting game. Bend the rules a little and do what you gotta do.
Since Steve Spurrier was hired. Big boys hire a parent when their football credentials are good. Otherwise, they find ways to make the athlete's family comfortable. Didn't one of the Michigan teams hire the mother of one of their athletes?

Here and there it happens, but it is rare that it makes sense in football. In basketball, a talented player is way more important than an assistant coach. In football, not so much. I agree fully with doing the things that need to be done to win. But hiring parents of football players is a very shortsighted way forward. It simply isn't worth it, and that is why it rarely happens.
They have been doing this down there since the game was white .Where do you think the expression 'ol boy's network comes from ?