Big Ten Ineligible Freshman

If this ever became reality next season we would not even have a team. Rules for the number of scholarship players would have to change. If we were still only allowed 13 and 5 or 6 were freshman we would really be behind the 8 ball. We would only have 7 or 8 scholarship players on the varsity.
Originally posted by knights1212:

If this ever became reality next season we would not even have a team. Rules for the number of scholarship players would have to change. If we were still only allowed 13 and 5 or 6 were freshman we would really be behind the 8 ball. We would only have 7 or 8 scholarship players on the varsity.
I don't see this passing but if it did I would think there would be some kind of transition period.
That is exactly what I said to my son last night when I read about this being considered.
Originally posted by bscharf:
Thought I'd share this article from ESPN. Very interesting idea but would probably be a huge disadvantage to recruiting.. right?
Basically it's a way to get at Kentucky and their one and done.
The only way it would ever happen if it was done universally by all conferences-------and guess what-------the teams that are the best teams would still be the best teams-------and the quality of European basketball would take a big jump.

I think personally it would be a terrible scenario for a program like Rutgers.
Originally posted by hawkssox1:
Originally posted by bscharf:
Thought I'd share this article from ESPN. Very interesting idea but would probably be a huge disadvantage to recruiting.. right?
Basically it's a way to get at Kentucky and their one and done.
The "one and done" players hurt more programs than help. Kentucky is the lone exception. He's as slimy as they come but Calipari is a tremendous recruiter and just as good a coach. That guy really knows what he's doing.