How this fight lasted outside as long as it did? Where was security. This girl is claiming to be on the ground for 10 sec after he slammed her which means there was a fight between two girls who text him and then he has to get out side then throws her. This is at least over a minute long. How the f does Rutgers not have airtight security out there after any game but particularly with all that has happened the last month.
This is where I hold Herman and flood responsible. Caroo did what he did. But this was so easily avoidable. Just have some damn security. Complete joke. I am now firmly on the clean freakin house side. It has been one public gaffe after another for 3 years.
This is where I hold Herman and flood responsible. Caroo did what he did. But this was so easily avoidable. Just have some damn security. Complete joke. I am now firmly on the clean freakin house side. It has been one public gaffe after another for 3 years.