He Just has IT. Not a lot if people have IT
He is Schiano+ and by that I mean he is going to play great pressure take it to you defense....on top of that he is going to make up for where Schiano lacked..
He is going to put an offense on the field that brings Excitement (pumps crowd and team ) The atmosphere will be off the hook because now there's a Complete product offensively and defensively.
He will also be able to transcend the biggest obstacle one in which Schiano failed big time, The Press. He is extremely smart in that during the press conference he inferred the press needs to play their part to create a positive culture. He is going work extremely well with them...
He just has IT understands IT gets IT and will own IT
I've never been so excited. We are now B1G!!
He is Schiano+ and by that I mean he is going to play great pressure take it to you defense....on top of that he is going to make up for where Schiano lacked..
He is going to put an offense on the field that brings Excitement (pumps crowd and team ) The atmosphere will be off the hook because now there's a Complete product offensively and defensively.
He will also be able to transcend the biggest obstacle one in which Schiano failed big time, The Press. He is extremely smart in that during the press conference he inferred the press needs to play their part to create a positive culture. He is going work extremely well with them...
He just has IT understands IT gets IT and will own IT
I've never been so excited. We are now B1G!!
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