College Football aiming for 105 total roster limits

85 total scholarship players and 20 walk on spots.

However if this new rule is passed as expected, it will now prevent teams from paying scholarship guys NIL to walk on. However this rule also means that it will now be 105 total scholarship players and no walk ons.
It will be interesting- 2 ways to look at it. Do the blue bloods now get 100 or so 4/5 star kids or do many of those high level kids ask themselves if they want to be behind 3-4 other 5 star players on the roster?
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I believe years ago rosters were around 100 or so and top programs brought in more talent than they really had room for , just for competitive advantage.
Many of players on the roster were just meat in a meat-market with out hope to get on the field and with the transfer rules in place made them sit a year if they wanted to find a program they had a chance of getting playing time.
Dropping down a level was the best choice and I believe some programs encouraged that so they could open up a roster spots for more talented players that would be bench material so they couldn't help other programs that might be on the schedule.
The move down to 85 was to stop hording the talent some programs were doing and it helped the game.
Now even with the transfer rules making it easy to transfer without penalty , the move to 105 rosters will just hurt the type of talent that wants to play but the school plans to hoard so rival programs have to wait until those players realize the program they're at really has no use for them and never did .
That's the way I see a 105 player roster , even in this era of transferring at the drop of a hat
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Rudy never had a scholarship to ND (he had GI Bill and family help). Many teams used to keep a lot of guys around as mere tackling/blocking dummies.
I believe years ago rosters were around 100 or so and top programs brought in more talent than they really had room for , just for competitive advantage.
Many of players on the roster were just meat in a meat-market with out hope to get on the field and with the transfer rules in place made them sit a year if they wanted to find a program they had a chance of getting playing time.
Dropping down a level was the best choice and I believe some programs encouraged that so they could open up a roster spots for more talented players that would be bench material so they couldn't help other programs that might be on the schedule.
The move down to 85 was to stop hording the talent some programs were doing and it helped the game.
Now even with the transfer rules making it easy to transfer without penalty , the move to 105 rosters will just hurt the type of talent that wants to play but the school plans to hoard so rival programs have to wait until those players realize the program they're at really has no use for them and never did .
That's the way I see a 105 player roster , even in this era of transferring at the drop of a hat
This nails it. The 85 schollie limit has shown to better disburse talent. If anything it should be reduced, not expanded. This will not be good for Rutgers !
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This nails it. The 85 schollie limit has shown to better disburse talent. If anything it should be reduced, not expanded. This will not be good for Rutgers !
Agree 110%. There's no need for 85 scholarships, let alone 105 - it's a huge waste of university money, IMO. 65 is plenty and will further level the playing field for many schools.
Having a limit of 65 players does not help Rutgers one iota. There are years when teams have numerous injuries . We aren’t Ohio State , Alabama etc. At this juncture we need the max of 85… if 105 then that’s what we’ll need.