Never parked at the bio building. I have a season permit for the Greek Church. It is very convenient to the stadium, just a short walk up Riverview Ave and over the Green and Scarlet lots. Very easy to leave after the game. People seem to enjoy tailgating there. They also let you use the church's rest rooms. If you don't get in the main church lot, they direct you to smaller church property lots, which may make tailgating problematic. Johnson Park is excellent, IMHO for tailgating. It's grass and flat and spacious and practically everyone is tailgating. My memory tells me you should get there at least 2 hours before kickoff, maybe 3 for a major opponent. The walk to the stadium is very convenient. The only problem, for someone like me with old bones is the walk up the hill or steps on the South side. I have found the elevator to always be out of service. Finally, the RAC is at the bottom of my list for game day parking. The shuttle buses after the game, especially a close game, are horrific. I walked from the stadium to the RAC twice. In daylight, it was a pleasant walk. In the dark, it was a hassle because I cut through buildings and got somewhat disoriented as to where I was.