Gerry Dinardo on the Big Ten Live comments on R.U are spot on.
The way the Rutgers presented itself from the actual PSU game, through the interview with Coach Wilson
It Is embarrassing and has gone beyond just the Kyle Flood suspension.
It does not project the University in a good way and could possibly diminish all progress Coach Schiano and Coach Flood have made in building this program.The University and the athletic department has to come
together and support this team.
Thats the jist of it. As mentioned before on this board he is a pretty straight shooter when it comes to
covering us he does a great job.
The way the Rutgers presented itself from the actual PSU game, through the interview with Coach Wilson
It Is embarrassing and has gone beyond just the Kyle Flood suspension.
It does not project the University in a good way and could possibly diminish all progress Coach Schiano and Coach Flood have made in building this program.The University and the athletic department has to come
together and support this team.
Thats the jist of it. As mentioned before on this board he is a pretty straight shooter when it comes to
covering us he does a great job.