And so what if he did and was the guy?...It happens at EVERY school playing D-1 sports ...EVERY school ...the reason it came out was because in New Jersey media and especially at Rutgers we have an group of scum who were probably like this since their childhood... corrupt politicians (both republicans and democrats)...people affiliated at Rutgers who harbor a personal vendetta and go out of their way to not report actual facts but annomynous propaganda...sensationalism sells great copy in this day and age...guys like Manahan, Politi , Sergeant ,Duggan, Heyboer , Amaral, Dunleavy etc. all are part and parcel to this type of reporting...clicks sell on the internet $$$ .... Kevin Manahan how is the situation up at West Point going ? ...sounds like a riot and brawl at a military academy would be a really B1G story for you dweebs...not on a city street mind you on the West Point grounds...Fire the coach boys..Wait isn't Towers the guy that wrote the check for Flood's extention and Flood in turn wanted to make him the recruiting coordinator? I
So true. There are very few reporters in the major media outlets. The public in general can be very ignorant and easily manipulated.I've exhausted how these "reporters" (and I use that term very loosely) decide they can report in one article and then express commentary in the next --- it's so misleading
He needs the distraction.Like many other fans and alums I feel bad for coach Flood and his current players...unless he's a better actor than I suspect he truly was caught off guard with the level of the offenses...the situation speaks for itself...if Holy Cross alum (Kevin Manahan ) didn't direct his minions the way he does most of this would be 2nd hand news already ... Thank You Kevin "you suck".