Ex-Rutgers student in Tyler Clementi case has bias convictions overturned

A state appeals court has overturned the conviction of Dharun Ravi, the Rutgers University student who was found guilty of bias intimidation when he spied in September 2010 on his roommate, Tyler Clementi, having romantic encounters with another man. Clementi jumped off the George Washington Bridge days later. Ravi was not tried for Clementi's death.
I haven't read the opinion, but it sounds from reports that the problem is that one of the charges against Ravi was based on an anti-bias law that was later declared unconstitutional by the NJ Supreme Court, and that the prosecution's advocacy on that charge tainted the guilty verdict on other counts. The court's peroration roundly denounced the conduct of Ravi, et. al. We'll see whether there is a new trial, or some kind of plea bargain; I can't imagine the prosecution dropping charges.