Fan engagement


Aug 14, 2011
New subject: I am really trying to stay engaged with this team. I don't want to give up on them and I want continue to come and cheer for them, but it is not easy. It certainly is difficult to feel a connection to so many new players and a losing team, but there is more to it. They don't ever acknowledge the crowd. There are a few players who chat with big donors, but the rest of us don't even get a wave. I think it is important that they be taught the importance of a fan base. I can't believe I am actually questioning my renewal for next year. Do others feel the same?
New subject: I am really trying to stay engaged with this team. I don't want to give up on them and I want continue to come and cheer for them, but it is not easy. It certainly is difficult to feel a connection to so many new players and a losing team, but there is more to it. They don't ever acknowledge the crowd. There are a few players who chat with big donors, but the rest of us don't even get a wave. I think it is important that they be taught the importance of a fan base. I can't believe I am actually questioning my renewal for next year. Do others feel the same?
If I played for Tim Eatman, it would be hard for me to hold my head up as well. These players are surely thinking about a lot more than whether they should “wave“ to the stands. Can’t blame them.

I go to games to support the team, not so the team can support me. Rutgers doesn’t appreciate the importance of a WBB fan base. If the RU administration cared about a fan base, there would be a ticket priced under $20. (And no, free parking hardly offsets the ticket price for a carful of potential fans.)
Yes, I would think that it must be difficult for the players to just keep their sanity during and after these games, let alone think about crowd interaction, with the way things have developed this season. Hopefully they haven't looked on this site over the course of the season and read some of the posts that weren't very appreciative of the new faces and those that expressed discarding them so the young players can be developed,... as if they(the transfers) are to blame for the losses.

These are young adults we're talking about. The fans are strangers to them and they probably are not sure what these fans have been thinking about them this season. It may take fans becoming more vocally supportive of players, especially during the
toughest of times, to let them know that the people at the game are truly behind them. That's been my experience with nurturing relationships with youngsters, the elder often has to be the one to initiate. Supportive signs, larger than life posters, like what you see at some other arenas shows the players that they are loved by their fans. They'll acknowledge fans that they know are "all in" for them.

Also, I could be wrong, but the last two seasons have been during covid protocols which may have decreased opportunity for the usual team events that bring about player-fan interactions. Tyia and Joyia may be the only ones that are truly familiar with some of the regular fan base.
New subject: I am really trying to stay engaged with this team. I don't want to give up on them and I want continue to come and cheer for them, but it is not easy.
The program can't afford to lose true fans. Try to hang in there through this rough time. As tough as it is for us, just imagine how many times those feelings gets multiplied for the players.
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Back when we were attending games through 2011, the players always waved at the audience, win or lose. That was the most of it, except for a few special fans that were personally known. As someone pointed out, fans root for the team. Throughout our 15 plus years of following and going to many away games, we never particularly sought out or particularly engaged with players. Some recognized us, as we went to a lot of away games, but they probably didn't know who we were.

At home games, Arizona has a post game ceremony where they bang a drum for wins, wave to the fans, and high five the fans in the floor seats, which include us. I was surprised they were still doing it in these Covid times, although I have not been since November when the current wave happened.
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I just feel like whining! I’ll continue to go to games and cheer on our team!
Follower of the program since 1985…it’s dead…I have never had so little interest…ever! The season was always something to be followed and and enjoyed.

it’s dead!
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Hypothetically speaking …What if Tim Eatman is retained as Head Coach due to possible CV Stringer lawsuit over the contract in place And the attempt to move her into administration. I ‘m not sure she has to accept that alternative. Can only hope this scenario never arises simply because the visual to the public and media would be classic barn unnerving stuff.
Hypothetically speaking …What if Tim Eatman is retained as Head Coach due to possible CV Stringer lawsuit over the contract in place And the attempt to move her into administration. I ‘m not sure she has to accept that alternative. Can only hope this scenario never arises simply because the visual to the public and media would be classic barn unnerving stuff.
good question.
I doubt the contract language would have it that Hobbs could move Stringer to administration without her permission.
But , I think, it's probably was thought Vivinan would come back next year and making Tim interim HC was based on his performance as interim HC the last time CVS temporally stepped away.

In any case this LOA is something out of the twilight zone and everything surround the new contract is from one step beyond because no one has a clue of what it entails except the years , salary and possible moving to administration , but not knowing who is in charge of deciding to move or how exactly the LOA came into effect and contract wording about it.