Ferrari Update

I don't recall hearing about burglary and larceny. They haven't paid the girl yet to drop charges?
What a f'd up family. I said it from the beginning that the father was a psycho a-hole. Go watch the match btw Ferrari and Buchanan. The father looks like one of those coked-up bouncers that loses his shit on a Tik Tok video because someone said his biceps were too small.
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Updated...He wasn't cleared of all charges (DUFOREVER set me straight) ..What does staff do if he calls tomorrow and says He wants to come to RU? I think he ends up at Michigan or Iowa because they'll throw him Big $
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ok..Thanks for update... if convicted then obviously a Big NO and he'll have to do Prison time that he deserves and Never Wrestle collegiately again...Minnesota HWT Gable Steveson was also accused of same crime but was cleared and won 2 NCAA Titles and Won Olympic Gold for The Gophers and Team USA...And is ready to start making Millions in Fake Wrestling..Should be interesting what happens
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Middle brother was charged with assault on the same person who accused AJ of the larceny allegedly
Yup. Seems kind of weird though. Not trying to defend them, but it kind of seems weird that it's the same party going after the younger brother.

All that said. AJ is 220 and pushing toward 230.