Field Decommitts


Hall of Famer
Nov 28, 2005
wow. Didn't expect that. What gives??????

All we can do is laugh..not even mad anymore.
OP I have to agree. As strange as it sounds my immediate reaction was laughter. In fact i'm still laughing as a write this. He's the last guy I would have suspected lol. Ah well, we've got plenty of time to replace him or change his mind. Haha but wow.
Things like this are why I only pay mind to recruiting in February. If Guarantano commits this month I won't care because "nothing is done until it is done" as Pharaoh Yul Byner used to say. Only 9 months to go....
My "safety school " paranoia continues.

Re-open doesn't mean no shot. Hope he realizes RU is the place to be.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Good luck to Ted Field.
This post was edited on 4/9 4:01 PM by Abro1975

I remember relating his giant red truck to Brazinski's giant red suit and saying something like I hope that's where the similarities end. So much for that.
Originally posted by RUwoz:
"Wtf, he was the last guy I expected."
Has there ever been a commit that talked up RU more than this guy ?
And then he decommits ?
Just wow !
This post was edited on 4/10 10:38 AM by Kbee3
Unreal,I hope in a couple of years, he looks back, and realizes he made a huge mistake. No ill will,just the fact that Rutgers does way better than where ever he ends up. That is all!!!
Originally posted by RutgersUnion:
PhilaPhans -
For the record, why don't we have an official sarcasm font on these boards? I vote for using Courier New instead of the standard Arial that comes up when it's sarcasm.
Originally posted by PhilaPhans:
Originally posted by RutgersUnion:
PhilaPhans -
For the record, why don't we have an official sarcasm font on these boards? I vote for using Courier New instead of the standard Arial that comes up when it's sarcasm.
Not a good idea
Originally posted by PhilaPhans:
Originally posted by RutgersUnion:
PhilaPhans -
For the record, why don't we have an official sarcasm font on these boards? I vote for using Courier New instead of the standard Arial that comes up when it's sarcasm.
Comic Sans?
Originally posted by RutgersUnion:
The mobile site is very outdated so there arent any options like fonts.
I thought my sarcasm was pretty obvious there.
Well, sometimes you need to beat people over the head to make them catch the sarcasm.
Here we go with the decommits and the posters that say he wasn't thangood anyway . Really???
Originally posted by RUbacker:
Here we go with the decommits and the posters that say he wasn't thangood anyway . Really???
commit as in singular. Think you added an S by mistake