Great ESPN article/editorial on high school football players dying

All FUD (fear, uncertainty despair etc). Between college and HS players, only around 12 kids a year die - and thats out of over 1 million.

More kids die from the cheap heroin Obama lets the Mexican cartels take over the broken border.

Time to man-up and stop acting like women over these phony crises the useful idiots in media, the radicals, the misandrists, the ambulance chasers etc. are trying to impose on football. If it was so dangerous they wouldn't be pushing women (who have many more knee injuries due to anatomy) into football at the same time they are trying to scare parents about sons. Sorry a player died but dead people, kids etc are in papers everyday
liberal media is such a bunch of wusses.
Getting in a car is a million times more dangerous then playing football..
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If this country had any sense, football would be banned in schools, both HS and college.
The school's township that had this incident is going to go broke fighting a lawsuit from the kids' parents and they should. You can't have kids dying on the field playing a sport for a school.
I hope that football is removed from NJ HS. I like the sport, but it does not belong in schools.
Why is there no boxing in HS and college?
If this country had any sense, football would be banned in schools, both HS and college.
The school's township that had this incident is going to go broke fighting a lawsuit from the kids' parents and they should. You can't have kids dying on the field playing a sport for a school.
I hope that football is removed from NJ HS. I like the sport, but it does not belong in schools.
Why is there no boxing in HS and college?

Its the stupid totally uninformed posts like this that really piss me off more than anything...And before I say anything else, I was a fmr Pop Warner football coach in New Providence for a number of years... Including 2001 when a high school kid from our town basically died on the field (I did coach him in Pop Warner and knew him well) Yes its sad, and it makes me hurt every time I read or hear of any catastrophic football related injury!! Yes as a fmr player and coach I understand football is a dangerous sport!! But life in itself is dangerous!! But lets also be real here.. Football at the HS level and below isn't going anywhere anytime soon.. Talking about lawsuit? why even say something so stupid!!! A kid died doing something he loved!! Lets grieve for him.. Lets grieve for his family who have suffered an unspeakable loss!! But please!! Lets just not politicize this!! or use this to push agendas!! SMH....
If this country had any sense, football would be banned in schools, both HS and college.
The school's township that had this incident is going to go broke fighting a lawsuit from the kids' parents and they should. You can't have kids dying on the field playing a sport for a school.
I hope that football is removed from NJ HS. I like the sport, but it does not belong in schools.
Why is there no boxing in HS and college?
You did this a week ago in the other thread. You hate football.


More kids die off heroin and teen driving than football.
Football gives young men a sense of purpose. Teaches them a sense of responsibility waaaaay beyond ANY OTHER SPORT. Name another sport where you practice 27 times before your first game and then 5 times before any other?????? Tell me a better teaching tool in life where a young man has to be patient and grind out years of work for success?

I truly hate soft people like you kapyoche. You live in a world (in your mind) where you think everyone plays fair. And beg for strong men when shit hits the fan to bail you out.

F*ck me.

All these writers coming out against football were dweebs as children who didn't have either the physical stature, the fortitude to grind it out or balls to play football. No question.
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Everything in life has assigned risks. As tragic as any death is, they happen. Football is a collision sport that carries with it the chance of getting hurt.
I am not much of a fan of very young kids playing football as they have a lot of physiology that is still happening and many feel their bodies are just not designed for this sport yet. But, what is more dangerous statistically, driving or playing football? Nobody seems to be too concerned about teenagers driving even with the statistics showing that they are very high in accident rates as compared to other groups.
Allowing your child to play a sport should mean you understand the implied risks. Unless they can prove some negligence of the part of the coaches, they should not be looking for somebody to pay for their decision.
All FUD (fear, uncertainty despair etc). Between college and HS players, only around 12 kids a year die - and thats out of over 1 million.

More kids die from the cheap heroin Obama lets the Mexican cartels take over the broken border.

Time to man-up and stop acting like women over these phony crises the useful idiots in media, the radicals, the misandrists, the ambulance chasers etc. are trying to impose on football. If it was so dangerous they wouldn't be pushing women (who have many more knee injuries due to anatomy) into football at the same time they are trying to scare parents about sons. Sorry a player died but dead people, kids etc are in papers everyday
So no drugs were ever smuggled into the United States from Mexico until Obama became President. Glad you cleared that up.
All FUD (fear, uncertainty despair etc). Between college and HS players, only around 12 kids a year die - and thats out of over 1 million.

More kids die from the cheap heroin Obama lets the Mexican cartels take over the broken border.

Time to man-up and stop acting like women over these phony crises the useful idiots in media, the radicals, the misandrists, the ambulance chasers etc. are trying to impose on football. If it was so dangerous they wouldn't be pushing women (who have many more knee injuries due to anatomy) into football at the same time they are trying to scare parents about sons. Sorry a player died but dead people, kids etc are in papers everyday
My soft are we getting as a society...should we just bend over and say...''Tackle FB is too rough'' today in our watered down version...i think we want the old Deacon Jones headslap back...or would 60G go see a game of flag FB...Its dangerous to join the Marines too..lets ask someone else to do the job.Man FB is dead if even fans cry about this...Unreal i have to hear this anti FB stuff even on a fans FB board...sheesh..
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kapyoche... you sound foolish coming on a football board talking about banning football.
Yes he shouldn't even be here if he doesn't support the sport we love...i played no equipment tackle in the streets in the 60s and wasn't pampered for it.
Guy writes for esquire....should stick to orgasm and dildo articles.
All of the military academies still have MANDATORY boxing, which is in addition to the new combatives (hand to hand) training middies and cadets receive. They aren't teaching you to box to go kill ISIS.

Why teach these young people to box?

Glad you asked. lol

Because very few things in life teach you about yourself like getting popped in the nose with a jab or straight right. That's why.
You did this a week ago in the other thread. You hate football.


More kids die off heroin and teen driving than football.
Football gives young men a sense of purpose. Teaches them a sense of responsibility waaaaay beyond ANY OTHER SPORT. Name another sport where you practice 27 times before your first game and then 5 times before any other?????? Tell me a better teaching tool in life where a young man has to be patient and grind out years of work for success?

I truly hate soft people like you kapyoche. You live in a world (in your mind) where you think everyone plays fair. And beg for strong men when shit hits the fan to bail you out.

F*ck me.

All these writers coming out against football were dweebs as children who didn't have either the physical stature, the fortitude to grind it out or balls to play football. No question.

Heck, more people die from "synthetic marijuana" than die from football (whereas it is impossible to die from marijuana, unless you are Carly Fiorina's daughter).
Read three paragraphs and x'ed out of the article...couldn't finish reading that crap
The article is wrong on its face. Kids die playing rec baseball by getting hit in the head or chest. The media has just seized on the latest monster in the closet to make a profit off of one family's tragedy.