Great tweet by Rutgers Athletics

Shouldn't there also be a video of the "Leonard Leap" ?

And why can't mankind get this time thing down. Throw a day in every few years?..... Really? Who made one second or one minute or one hour the standard for practical use of time. Let's get with the universe people. Time's a-waisting!
And why can't mankind get this time thing down. Throw a day in every few years?..... Really? Who made one second or one minute or one hour the standard for practical use of time. Let's get with the universe people. Time's a-waisting!

I'm not sure if you are serious or not. But just in case you are, the measurement of hours (and minute and seconds) is based on the length of time it take the Earth to rotate once on its axis, i.e., the length of a day. The measurement of months and years is based on the amount of time it takes the Earth to circle the Sun. Unfortunately the amount of time it take the Earth to circle the Sun is approximately 365.25 days. You can't just just spread out that extra .25 days over the rest of the days in a year, because you'd end up with Noon in the middle of the night. And you can't ignore it, because you'd eventually end up with July 4th in the middle of the winter. Thus leap years, in which we usually add a day every 4 years is the easiest way to account for that extra .25 days. (There are some extra leap year rules for the century marks, since the extra amount in a year isn't exactly .25 days.)
Shouldn't there also be a video of the "Leonard Leap" ?

And why can't mankind get this time thing down. Throw a day in every few years?..... Really? Who made one second or one minute or one hour the standard for practical use of time. Let's get with the universe people. Time's a-waisting!

The leap year is a problem with the solar system, not mankind. The day is based on a single rotation of the axis. The number of rotations that happen during a single orbit of the sun doesn't divide into integers.
The leap year is a problem with the solar system, not mankind. The day is based on a single rotation of the axis. The number of rotations that happen during a single orbit of the sun doesn't divide into integers.

Upstream and Riceonthebanks,

I am not serious. Doing a little riff of George Carlin-like humor (very little).

But I also thought there might be interesting posts like these to the humor. I have to say, Riceonthebanks post is something I did not know.... and very interesting. Thanks guys! SCIENCE!!!!!!!

Now.... who do I file a complaint with about this solar system?
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If I'm not mistaken all the top "Leonard Leaps" came in losing efforts a decade ago.

The tweet was in a win over Michigan, RU's first in the B1G. There are players still on the team. No way you take Leonard over that.

It's 2016, not 2006.
How about the BIGgest leap of the year for RU athletics?

At that game.
There were the final 4 undefeated teams playing that day.
Three of them playing in the state of Ohio.
Rutgers and earlier in the day Ohio State vs. Michigan.
Still remember the giant screens outside in the CINN campus with the OSU game on.

We came out flat that night. I remember something about half the Team having the Flu that day.
Great moment. But I'm still pissed we blew that game.

Phantom pass interference call in the end zone killed us. We got our revenge the next year when Illinois could not make it over the 50 yard line.
Phantom pass interference call in the end zone killed us. We got our revenge the next year when Illinois could not make it over the 50 yard line.
Oh I remember that well. Brian's run was a highlight of that season. And you're right, we kicked their a$$ the following year at home, I believe shutting them out 34-0 and never letting them get past the 50 yard line as you stated.