Greg Schiano Oklahoma PostGame (Video)

Same half answers but wish he was here
No! If he didn't meddle with the coordinators, he then would be able to hire really good ones, let them do their thing, he can do what he does best:
1) oversee the program
2) recruit
And he would still be st RU
But, he gets so involved with the coordinators work, the really good ones shy away, AND, his meddling doesn't help. Game day thinking is certainly not a strength
So much for "the best defensive line I've ever seen" or something to that effect.
As Teddy Roosevelt said:
I wouldn't hold Saturday's loss against Greg. Mayfield is a stud. He's carving anybody and everybody up.
The OSU defense will be fine. There's some young guys in the mix. It's a process.
But we no longer play UCONN. That's right spanked by then in year 11

But, you dunce, he was recruiting as a member of the Big East. Give him a bigger budget for assistants and the stability of the B1G and think about what you would get.
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But, you dunce, he was recruiting as a member of the Big East. Give him a bigger budget for assistants and the stability of the B1G and think about what you would get.
Yeah I'm the dunce. You think UCONN's budget was more than ours? He couldn't out recruit Pornstache but he's going to out recruit Meyer? Why can't you guys just accept him for what he was. A solid program builder that couldn't get us over the hump. I appreciate everything he did for Rutgers football but For the love of God he lost to Tulane in year 10. Move on.
But, you dunce, he was recruiting as a member of the Big East. Give him a bigger budget for assistants and the stability of the B1G and think about what you would get.

With what we would be paying him now, most likely, he would be in the 3 mil range, we would not be giving him money to hire top assistants.

and the problem with thinking that he was recruiting as a member of the BE is that he was usually in the middle of the pack of BE coaches when it came to recruiting. GS built the program and brand...let's let him have that as a lasting memory. He was not above average in any other aspect of being a head coach. I will give him a couple of other positives too. He did get his players to do well in school and he did create an atmosphere where kids could develop their skills.
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No! If he didn't meddle with the coordinators, he then would be able to hire really good ones, let them do their thing, he can do what he does best:
1) oversee the program
2) recruit
And he would still be st RU
But, he gets so involved with the coordinators work, the really good ones shy away, AND, his meddling doesn't help. Game day thinking is certainly not a strength
I'm sure his prodigious Big East-era budget for assistant coaches had just a little something to do with the turnover.
I'm sure his prodigious Big East-era budget for assistant coaches had just a little something to do with the turnover.
Combination of budget (they could get creative and find money for higher end coordinators), and many of the (higher end) coordinators not interested in working for him.
I hate to pine over the past but I have to admit I've been wondering where exactly we'd be today had he not left.

Water under the bridge.
If he had only let the coordinator's do their thing, and have really good ones, we'd be........winning
With what we would be paying him now, most likely, he would be in the 3 mil range, we would not be giving him money to hire top assistants.

and the problem with thinking that he was recruiting as a member of the BE is that he was usually in the middle of the pack of BE coaches when it came to recruiting. GS built the program and brand...let's let him have that as a lasting memory. He was not above average in any other aspect of being a head coach. I will give him a couple of other positives too. He did get his players to do well in school and he did create an atmosphere where kids could develop their skills.

But did anyone ever expect that our recruiting would actually get worse after admission to the B1G? I know that I expected improvement due to the stability and greater exposure. Was that too much to expect? It is unanswerable what his salary would be now, clearly north of $2 million, but we have to realize that he would have demanded a higher budget for assistants. Could he have done any worse than what we have seen since his departure? I doubt it.
But did anyone ever expect that our recruiting would actually get worse after admission to the B1G? I know that I expected improvement due to the stability and greater exposure. Was that too much to expect? It is unanswerable what his salary would be now, clearly north of $2 million, but we have to realize th, t he would have demanded a higher budget for assistants. Could he have done any worse than what we have seen since his departure? I doubt it.

One of the problems I have with the hypothetical discussion about rehiring Schiano is the salary numbers.

What, exactly, has he done that would make him worth something north of $2 million a year?

I'd hire him at a million. Three years at a million a year, but heavily incentivized in the last two years. But I wouldn't sign him up for $2M+, guaranteed, right from the start.
One of the problems I have with the hypothetical discussion about rehiring Schiano is the salary numbers.

What, exactly, has he done that would make him worth something north of $2 million a year?

I'd hire him at a million. Three years at a million a year, but heavily incentivized in the last two years. But I wouldn't sign him up for $2M+, guaranteed, right from the start.

True. He brought the program to a state of competitiveness, and won some respect. Yet he couldn't get us over the hump.

That said, we need to get back to where he left off. Pronto. Clearly, we regressed to the Shea days under Flood. Now we need to bide some time until those B1G $ flow in and we can invest in the program. Until then, Coach Ash has the opportunity to bring us back to competiveness. He needs to step it up, though.
We only lost to Tulane (and btw, that was the only losing season Schiano had since 04 and that was with EL's injury a few weeks later) because our genius OL coach could not figure out how to protect a QB who was now in the NFL.

Just imagine this one guys...what if Schiano stayed and Savage was allowed to transfer back in? Nova learns from the sideline, a B1G caliber OC showing him the way...what really could have been.
You know what they say: If you can't run with the Big Dogs stay on the Porch. Schiano looked good as long as he stayed on the Big East porch. Now he's running with the Big Dogs and that can be a doggy dog world.
He can't defend against the spread, no different than when he was here

Unless it's last year and you don't have 3 first year starters in the secondary. He has very young first year starters back there, like Jordan Fuller....what did people expect?
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You know what they say: If you can't run with the Big Dogs stay on the Porch. Schiano looked good as long as he stayed on the Big East porch. Now he's running with the Big Dogs and that can be a doggy dog world.
Looked good last year. Just saying.