$99,572.64: Hammer Strength (Life Fitness)
$53,638.80: Mats for football drills (POV's Wearhouse)
$31,981.65: Treadmills (Woodway)
$30,925: Power plates (Biodensity)
$29,071.65: Non-motorized Slat Belt Treadmills (Woodway USA)
$26,370: Versaclimber & Shuttle MVP Pro (M-F Athletic)
$23,093: Benches & racks (Powerlift)
$21,625: Miscellaneous equipment for weight room (Powerlift)
$17,225: Pendulum hip press (Rogers)
$15,076.35: Office furniture for weight room (Commercial Furniture)
$12,500: Pendulum 4-way neck machine (Rogers)
$10,994.43: Hurdles, timing system, mats (Alpha Dog Sports)
$6,939.38: Bars & chains (Elite FTS)
$5,114: Weight room install brackets for vests (Facilities)
$4,991: Weight room carpet (Gillespie Group)
$4,990: Versaclimber (M-F Athletic)
$4,408.45: Bands/straps for strength and conditioning (Bill Jacobs)
$4,438.00: Shrug and curl bars (Bill Jacobs)
$2,875: Pendulum leg curl (Rogers)
$2,520: Manilla Rope (Frank's Hardware)
$1,562: Bone Dummy (Suples)
$832: Defibtech (Life Savers)
$758: Step up boxes (Powerlift)
$99,572.64: Hammer Strength (Life Fitness)
$53,638.80: Mats for football drills (POV's Wearhouse)
$31,981.65: Treadmills (Woodway)
$30,925: Power plates (Biodensity)
$29,071.65: Non-motorized Slat Belt Treadmills (Woodway USA)
$26,370: Versaclimber & Shuttle MVP Pro (M-F Athletic)
$23,093: Benches & racks (Powerlift)
$21,625: Miscellaneous equipment for weight room (Powerlift)
$17,225: Pendulum hip press (Rogers)
$15,076.35: Office furniture for weight room (Commercial Furniture)
$12,500: Pendulum 4-way neck machine (Rogers)
$10,994.43: Hurdles, timing system, mats (Alpha Dog Sports)
$6,939.38: Bars & chains (Elite FTS)
$5,114: Weight room install brackets for vests (Facilities)
$4,991: Weight room carpet (Gillespie Group)
$4,990: Versaclimber (M-F Athletic)
$4,408.45: Bands/straps for strength and conditioning (Bill Jacobs)
$4,438.00: Shrug and curl bars (Bill Jacobs)
$2,875: Pendulum leg curl (Rogers)
$2,520: Manilla Rope (Frank's Hardware)
$1,562: Bone Dummy (Suples)
$832: Defibtech (Life Savers)
$758: Step up boxes (Powerlift)