. It’s understandable that you don’t get it as a Rutgers fan (since we don’t put a lot of kids in the NBA)…. This is simply NOT how it works!! Cam upping his PPG in college will have zero barring on whether he can make the nba. They select based on potential in their sport…. It’s a totally different game . The don’t pick as an achievement award at the college level
Now, personally, as much as he is a STUD at this level I don’t think he has a shot - he is not the athletic unicorn that they seem to look for.
The one thing that does separate him is his 3p %. He keeps that % way up there and MAYBE he gets some interest as a 3p specialist. Maybe. Maybe? Perhaps? But I doubt it
But as an overall player….as much as he is a stud right now. Just not the kind of player they look for in the nba.