Is Indiana game sold out?

According to the website, the OSU game is sold out except for student tix but there are tickets remaining for the rest of the home games, including IU. So you might want to call the ticket office to see what is happening.
When I received my free tickets from RU after our win over Wisconsin I was told that there were only a few tickets left for Indiana so I assume that the game might be sold out by now as I got those tickets the day after the Wisconsin game.
thanks the auction before or after the game? Also this game is designated as a whiteout so I hope it goes off better than the blackout failure from Michigan State
Originally posted by bac2therac:

thanks the auction before or after the game? Also this game is designated as a whiteout so I hope it goes off better than the blackout failure from Michigan State
Both basketball and football need to give up on these silly blackouts.

Basketball wear white at home, and football wear scarlet at home.

It's not that they should give up on them..they should commit to them. How much would it cost to put shirts on all the seats, as opposed to either just for students or on the 100 level? That goes for the promotions as well. I understand the concept for offering a limited amount of something to get people to come early and buy an extra hot dog. Do that for a bobble head. When it comes to t shirts, or buy one get one pretzels. That's not enough of a draw to get people there early or there period.
Originally posted by flyrradio:
It's not that they should give up on them..they should commit to them. How much would it cost to put shirts on all the seats, as opposed to either just for students or on the 100 level? That goes for the promotions as well. I understand the concept for offering a limited amount of something to get people to come early and buy an extra hot dog. Do that for a bobble head. When it comes to t shirts, or buy one get one pretzels. That's not enough of a draw to get people there early or there period.
yes I felt RU erred by not giving ALL season ticket holders shirts...sort of a slap in the face to those who have supported the program for years in the 200 level

ALSO...I was very disappointed in how RU handled the free Big 10 t shirts...for one they didn't have them that day as promised and then when I went a couple games later, they only had X Large t is that.
Auction is post game...

It will be somewhat abbreviated due the late hour at which we will have to start, and the fact that we will essentially be having 2 events with the other being at Eddie's golf outing in May.

I should have the listing available on Sunday...
They put them on all the 100 seats for the MSU game so in theory there should have been only green and black shirts down there, yet there was plenty of red and white and grey. Part of it is the fans, if they give you the free shirt and you don't wear it, you are not doing your job as a "fan".

Do you know the golf course for Eddie's outing and a date ? I'm interested in bringing a foursome.
Originally posted by MGSA99:
How many of those fans will be Hoosiers?
1500-2K in the building...perhaps the highest turnout of any school we shall see. I think Ohio State brought the most thus far
If only they'd all show up tonight. It's a crying shame we don't get more support for our continually WINNING Women's team, which plays fast, plays hard, and plays well on a regular basis.

Originally posted by Sir ScarletKnight:

If only they'd all show up tonight. It's a crying shame we don't get more support for our continually WINNING Women's team, which plays fast, plays hard, and plays well on a regular basis.

I will say that I actually do enjoy watching the women's games more than the men's (can't believe I even said that), but they play a fun style of basketball and they are competitive with the top teams. And I'll pretty much watch anything RU related. Found myself even watching women's soccer this year while they went on their run ....I guess anything RU can do positive and its on TV I'll watch it.
Originally posted by Sir ScarletKnight:

If only they'd all show up tonight. It's a crying shame we don't get more support for our continually WINNING Women's team, which plays fast, plays hard, and plays well on a regular basis.

Quoted for truth.
Another awesome win by the women tonight...starting to click on all cylinders. On BTN they mentioned that the Rutgers women could be the dark horse team of the whole tournament - no one wants to play them. Too bad they don't get the support they deserve. Oh, well. Those that go know how truly great they are and how fun the team is to watch and support.
Originally posted by knightfan2000:
Another awesome win by the women tonight...starting to click on all cylinders. On BTN they mentioned that the Rutgers women could be the dark horse team of the whole tournament - no one wants to play them. Too bad they don't get the support they deserve. Oh, well. Those that go know how truly great they are and how fun the team is to watch and support.
Is the lack of support because women's basketball in general isn't as popular, in addition to New Jersey being more of a neutral college sports state? It's a head-scratcher for a ranked team in the B1G, but who's really at fault?

I will not disagree the games I watched - UNC comes to mind - were up and down and entertaining. But I think the lack of support comes with the territory at Rutgers, and maybe it's because everyone is so distracted nowadways.

I don't know how to explain it. There's just so much going on, the college teams in New Jersey are overshadowed.

This post was edited on 2/17 11:36 PM by Aggs
Stringer-coached teams tend to peak right around February-March. She knows this and treats the regular season as one long preseason before tournament time. This is why RU has done better in most of their tournament runs than their record might indicate, along with usually playing a nasty OOC schedule.

I just hope the selection committee keeps them as far away from UConn as possible. Everyone is playing for second place this year. Again.
Originally posted by Sir ScarletKnight:

If only they'd all show up tonight. It's a crying shame we don't get more support for our continually WINNING Women's team, which plays fast, plays hard, and plays well on a regular basis.

I went to the women's game against Perdue on Valentine's Day. The women's team is everything we wish the men's team would be. The women play lights out in your face defense and cause many more turnovers than they commit. Syessence Davis has the best hands male or female I have ever seen on a basketball court. Do not put the ball near her, she will take it from you and she hardly ever fouls the opponent. Laney is an excellent inside/outside player who Jack should really model his game after. Copper is just a super athletic, explosive and skilled beast, her counterpart on the men's team, Bishop Daniels, would do well to study her game. Coach Stringer has evolved in her approach to offense and they are very fun to watch on offense as compared to her past teams. Good ball movement, good shooting and unselfish play without the aid of a true point guard. RU basketball fans are really missing out if they don't watch our women's team play, especially given the performance level of the men's team, it was a relief to see some excellent RU basketball.
For the womens games they should lower the season parking price for Green so it fills out and then make Yellow parking free. Bet that would increase attendance in a hurry. The point of paying for green or scarlet would be super close guaranteed parking next to arena. So many times the green lot has under 30 cars in it
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by rutgersfan1766:
For the womens games they should lower the season parking price for Green so it fills out and then make Yellow parking free. Bet that would increase attendance in a hurry. The point of paying for green or scarlet would be super close guaranteed parking next to arena. So many times the green lot has under 30 cars in it
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Great suggestion. This should be brought up at the advisory meeting tonight.