Jim Harbaugh's spat with Butch Jones

Two things:

1. Butch might want to keep a low profile right now.

2. I loved the comments from the Southern coaches concerning "the players time practicing... they need time away from the sport... ...

From Johnson at GTech, ""I wouldn't do it for our kids. I think you're just taking their spring break. I think if you polled our kids and said do you want to have spring practice in Destin during the week of spring break, they would say no. We'll find our own way to Destin."

BHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Like coaches care how the player feel. "took a poll," LOL!!!!

The SEC is mad the north is attempting to poach kids. The north wants players, yes. But the north is providing players more options. That is a very good thing. It would be sad if the NCAA stopped camps limiting a players choice.
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Jim Harbaugh is an asshole.../truth! I get to root for the poisonous nuts twice a year now...when they play state penn and the Ann Arbor people...
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As a fan of college football in general I love what Harbaugh is doing. He makes things interesting and entertaining rather than this "trying to go 1-0" coach speak. He is also sticking it to the southerners and ruffling their feathers, which i love. Why do people think that college football is some sacred cow. This is entertainment and Harbaugh is entertaining.
Sure...he is an entertaining is trump...worthless, but entertaining
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It looks like the SEC is angry that they actually have to compete for recruits with programs outside of the South.
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I 100 % agree with coaches. That a-hole should not be able to practice outside of their home location. How the NCAA did not prevent that from happening is BS. IF anything SCREAMS red flag it's that. His own school and AD should have prevented that from occurring with or w/o THE NCAA just a scumbag move all together. They should be penalized heavily
Can someone poll our players to see what they think? I get Michigan going to the warm weather ... Jersey is pretty nice during spring practice.
Can someone poll our players to see what they think? I get Michigan going to the warm weather ... Jersey is pretty nice during spring practice.
Honestly spring weather in NJ is not predictable. This year seems to be the exception rather than the rule. In NJ the month of April could be 52° with swirling 25mph winds. Just imagine Michigan.
I 100 % agree with coaches. That a-hole should not be able to practice outside of their home location. How the NCAA did not prevent that from happening is BS. IF anything SCREAMS red flag it's that. His own school and AD should have prevented that from occurring with or w/o THE NCAA just a scumbag move all together. They should be penalized heavily
I'm not a Harbaugh fan, but I see this as a brilliant move on his part from a recruiting standpoint. It is within the rules. I don't see this as much different than when Schiano used to hold events in Florida (eventually a rule put in place to stop). SEC has their panties in a bunch because it is in their back yard.
78 its a scumbag move by a complete scumbag and I will bet everything I have that NCAA will put an end to that ever happening again
I'm also 200% against neutral site games as well. It's called cheating
If we did this it would be brilliant move by new staff. Honestly I'm sure the kids will all be saying best spring practice ever and mean it.

Schools giving them a free trip!

How many schools make athletes stay at school for spring break for practice? I know a lot break
The NCAA will ban this. Not because it's unfair or unethical, but because the SEC is complaining.

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