just remember, I said 2 to 3 wins tops and....

Many of you mocked it. lol
Likely not what you said, but the way you said it. I predicted 3-9 many times in many threads and no one's ever mocked me. Of course, now I feel foolish that I predicted that many wins, but that's another story.
Likely not what you said, but the way you said it. I predicted 3-9 many times in many threads and no one's ever mocked me. Of course, now I feel foolish that I predicted that many wins, but that's another story.
BS....don't sell that, i said 2 to 3 overall and was summarily mocked.
Ye you did...I think a lot of us felt that way pre-season. Without getting into the "whys" - as we both have different feelings on that but not important in this convo - many of us have been saying for months that getting to 4 wins would be a HUGE step in the right direction for this program BUT even that would be difficult this season. We would literally have to win the majority of the "tossup" games and, if you had this as a "T" - which I did until this week - that only gives you a single lockdown "W" on the schedule. Too far to go, too difficult of a schedule, and too young of a team (depth chart talent-wise) to expect miracles.

Also, we need a QB in their to run the O that we're supposed to run AND we've been recruiting kids to play in. Sorry, for those who don't agree, but I'm done with the "Bolin" experiment for now.Let Lewis play. Let's see him run the spread option or whatever. I don't like what we're doing out there right now. Bolin isn't mobile enough and he's going to throw a lot of picks on the sideline, like today, if we don't start getting him out of the pocket more, stretching the field more, and changing the playcalling a whole hell of a lot. They SHOULD have picked off another 2 passes, easily, today. He has some skills, sure, but is it worth having Lewis sit there all season IF we're not gonna sniff a bowl game?

(apologies I'm babbling...)
I think I said 3-4. The record this season isn't important to me. I'm more interested in how we look, team play, are we getting better as the season progresses, are individual players stepping up, are we cutting down on penalties, are the coaches making the right decisions, is recruiting getting better.

So far, only recruiting looks better. The talent is upgraded with the transfers, but Ash and Kill don't look they know how to use it. Penalties (a tell tale sign of coaching) are atrocious.

End game management make it clear that Ash doesn't know what he is doing.
In my defense I expected decent QB play. I figured if Bolin beat out Gio, we'd get decent play at that position.

And maybe Bolin was decent vs Washington, he was not today.
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In my defense I expected decent QB play. I figured if Bolin beat out Gio, we'd get decent play at that position.

And maybe Bolin was decent vs Washington, he was not today.
Bolin is not the answer. We may have to bring on Lewis.
Nuts do we think Lewis is at all ready to take over full time QB duties? I'm super skeptical.

Playing an unready frosh QB is the move of a desperate team. I know we as fans can be irrational, but the coach should not be.
Lewis isn't ready. He needs more time. The two plays he ran I think made the wrong reads. On at least one he did for sure.
Nuts do we think Lewis is at all ready to take over full time QB duties? I'm super skeptical.

Playing an unready frosh QB is the move of a desperate team. I know we as fans can be irrational, but the coach should not be.
Not ready but you need to get him ready to have any prayer of salvaging the next few years
Lewis isn't ready. He needs more time. The two plays he ran I think made the wrong reads. On at least one he did for sure.

1st play - should have kept it
2nd play - there were 9 guys on top of him before he took the snap. They KNEW he was gonna keep.

...sorry, but that's not how to use him. Give the guy a series, when we're not doing anything in the 1st half, if we're gonna have him in there.
I agree. Ash put him in the second time when were driving and had momentum. It killed the drive.

In his presser he said he put him in when they needed a spark. That's totally untrue.
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I bought into the b.s. Ash was selling and predicted 5-6 wins and a bowl game. I apologize to everyone on this board for being a jackass.
I bought into the b.s. Ash was selling and predicted 5-6 wins and a bowl game. I apologize to everyone on this board for being a jackass.

Well...listen..if he said "well, we're not a bowl team yet, we're just not there, maybe 3 wins at best"...he'd be bashed relentlessly lol!
Last week I said RU would only be a mediocre BE team and was accused of "trolling", Now I'm not even sure RU would be mediocre in BE. Washington was sleepwalking first half of last week. When they woke-up they put RU away pretty easy. Bolin and Kill were new to opponents last week. The more film that's out the harder it will be to catch anyone by surprise. Bolin scrambling for his life and looking for Grant isn't much of a system
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I bought into the b.s. Ash was selling and predicted 5-6 wins and a bowl game. I apologize to everyone on this board for being a jackass.
Some jackass last week said the rebuild was over and more jack asses agreed with him !