"Knights Experience Change" by S. Joseph-Day

Isn't it a shame that this is an exception to the rule. Shouldn't all people be expected to behave respectfully. Most employees have a code of conduct policy with which they must comply and, as a teacher, I know we had code of conduct policies for students as well. Zero tolerance is sometimes considered harsh but it can also be very effective. I hope it accomplishes it's goals without having to be implemented.
a little more insight to the changes under Ash, starting with :

Ash is running a zero tolerance policy for bad behavior in the program in order to create a positive public image for the Scarlet Knights. Breaking team rules by doing drugs, not being honest and not respecting women get you kicked off automatically.

That's refreshing, but statistically, it's going to bite us eventually. That said, if he's truly consistent with it, we will have a program that will have earned universal respect.
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That's refreshing, but statistically, it's going to bite us eventually. That said, if he's truly consistent with it, we will have a program that will have earned universal respect.

Agreed. The consistency is key. What happens the first time a really major player is the target. Is he removed or suspended. I have a feeling Ash means it, especially for the first year or two when he needs to turn around the perception of RU around the country. Also, he knows he doesn't have a media that will cover things up, they will jump on his first mistake or inconsistency.
Agreed. The consistency is key. What happens the first time a really major player is the target. Is he removed or suspended. I have a feeling Ash means it, especially for the first year or two when he needs to turn around the perception of RU around the country. Also, he knows he doesn't have a media that will cover things up, they will jump on his first mistake or inconsistency.

I think Schiano meant it as well. You need to establish the culture early to ensure credibility. Then it just becomes a self fulfilling thing. You can loosen it later, but you can't start loose and tighten it. But I'm sure someone will test it and that someone will get kicked off the team before September.
Let's kick half the kids out of school and revoke half of the college degrees issued by Rutgers.

I must have missed where it says they are automatically kicked out of school. The difference between this and every other kid that did this is, they are receiving a scholarship from a State sponsored univesity, and they are a publicc representitive of this school. He saying their right to play and receive a football scholarship would be removed. That said would Carroo have been automatically kicked off, or would due process be allowed to first take place?
One thing that hasnt been touched on is we have a player writing for student publication. Last year we had a head coach writing a kid's paper for his class, another not so subtle change.
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When i read the title of the post I thought you meant by St Joseph Day which just passed on March 16th. Thinking it was kind of odd that he would select a religious holiday to start enforcing the team rules

Sometimes harsh consequences aren't enough to discourage deviant behavior.

It's especially true when it comes to crimes of passion (like murder, in many cases). That's why the death penalty doesn't work well as a deterrent.

I would argue that harsh consequences play a very little role in the decision-making of an 18-21 year old. These guys aren't weighing the pros and cons of their choices on some white board. They are being spontaneous and going with the flow of their peers. I know because I've been there.

The part of the brain that controls impulses and aggression isn't fully developed until ones late 20s and early 30s. That's why you'll see people "mature" in that age group.

But I applaud Ash for at least drawing a line in the sand. Expectations should be high even if the result sometimes falls short of the mark.
I agree that "in the moment" crimes aren't deterred by harsh punishments. A more likely effect will be that student athletes will not put themselves in position to commit such crimes. In other words, premeditated stuff should decline significantly.
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