Laviano (Just My Feeling)


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2007
Based on how he did last year which wasn't all that but he does have the game experience to fall back on. I'm sure things has slowed down for him a bit. Many on this board is anointing Rettig the heir apparently just because he decommitted from LSU and was a 4 star. We had a previous LSU QB year ago and it didn't work out as planned. Chris seems like a cool customer and is taking leadership on this team. Now that he will have the rock more often now and working with the ones, it's his start to lose. I hear Retting has the stronger arm, but is just a small part of the equation. Must be a reason that coach has him taking the reps first. It's still way to early to predict. I'm throwing my horse opinion in the race early. Just my opinion.....
A lot of us have Rettig the heir apparent because of a few things. 1 the reports from last year's camp was Rettig is the best in camp. You know better than Nova. Then we had a QB transfer out. That speaks volumes for the talent at the position. Let's also throw in there that our all B1G wr stayed when it's all but guaranteed that wrs will see a drop in production when going from a 4 year starter to a qb that's never started a game. Then we have Sanu giving him a glowing recommendation.

It has nothing to do with 4 stars or lsu. And everything to do with everything pointing to Rettig being special.
How could Rettig look better than Nova when all Rettig did was run scout? The QB that transferred out probably wouldn't start whether Rettig was here or not. Caroo made it clear in an article today that the QB situation played very little part in him coming back, actually he took the advice of NFL evaluators that said he could improve his stock if he came back. Sanu did throw with Rettig and gave him solid reviews but it was more about his arm strength and potential as opposed to anointing him the starter. Rettig may or may not seize the position but I agree that Laviano has just as good a shot...that's why it's called a competition.

This post was edited on 4/11 12:24 AM by KJ_RU

This post was edited on 4/11 12:56 AM by KJ_RU
I'll reply with the same response as the round table

Originally posted by BrycesUncle:
... Must be a reason that coach has him taking the reps first. It's still way to early to predict. I'm throwing my horse opinion in the race early. Just my opinion.....

Are you talking about tomorrow's scrimage? If not, All 3 QB's have taken first team snapps in practice thus far. If you are talking about the scrimage, we've seen this kind of competition play out in the resent past. Everyone new RJ Dill was going to be the starter, but Flood did not name him #1 on the depth chart until 2 weeks before the season. That is the way to keep both the backup and the eventual #1 hungry and competing until the very end. Laviano may win the job in the end, but my money is on Rettig. Just because of that, I think it would be insane to name a starter during the spring.

There is also too much of a possibility that Laviano will transfer out this summer if Rettig is named the starter in the Spring. Chad Schwank and Tom Savage both left us in a bind by leaving before the season because the starter was named too early. Waite until fall camp is well under way and it is harder to find a place to tranfer to. This may sound cold blooded, but RU may need the backup QB.

This post was edited on 4/11 12:36 AM by hiwater
no offense but Laviano looked anything but good in his limited time last year. He looked better running out of the pocket than throwing; and i'd rather have my qb more comfortable in the pocket throwing the ball
I don't like to do stuff like this because I want EVERYONE to be very comfortable posting and sharing ideas and inside info we might have and all that good stuff.

BUT there are just too many posters in general that make points based on completely false premises and if they would just spend a little time doing real research to then come to a conclusion they are just making conclusions based on who knows what.

But anyway I am speaking about hiwater's post about 2 or 3 posts up from mine. He starts off his post with a sentence that irks me because I see stuff like this a lot on messages boards and in life. And this isn't even that bad of an example, but it illustrates the point clearly so I am using it.

So enough rambling... here is what I am talking about. It just bothers me how the Original Poster (OP) says "I hear Retting has the stronger arm, but is just a small part of the equation. Must be a reason that coach has him taking the reps first. It's still way too early to predict."

And then hiwater comes in and goes "Are you talking about tomorrow's scrimage? If not, All 3 QB's have taken first team snapps in practice thus far." And while yes this is correct.... it does not make sense in this situation as the OP was stating that Laviano gets the "reps first"... he wasn't saying he gets all the first team reps as hiwater seems to think.

It's a small little thing, but it just bothers me that this poster clearly either misread the guys post or hasn't done his research because it was clearly stated in multiple articles and in Flood's post practice interviews that Laviano got the very first rep of the first spring practice and that he has continued to be that guy who gets slightly more is not 50-50 apparently.

This was the point that the OP was trying to make. He wasn't saying that Laviano was getting all the first team reps and nobody else was. He said that he got the REPS FIRST. So best case scenario hiwater just misread the OP's post and thought he was saying Laviano was getting all the first reps. Worst case scenario he is one of these people who try to nit-pick on what people say and then aren't even correct in their nit-picking lol.

In conclusion.... sorry for the long post, but come on guys. This is the RUTGERS message board. Lets upgrade the quality of conversation to the same quality level that a Rutgers diploma represents. We are all on the same team.

And to hiwater sorry for having to use your post as an example. I know nothing of hiwater's history as a poster and I am not saying this single post represents him as a whole. I am just using his post as an example of a way that we can improve our board by either reading each other's posts properly so we don't clog up threads with meaningless/unnecessary posts. Instead we focus on the points of posts and increase each other's knowledge of the team and it's future!
Last year Loviano was 11 for 28 on completions but 12 were in the Wisc monsoon and 13 were against O State, Mich St and Neb. The sample size is small and conditions were tough so not good stats but he did show poise and ability to run. I hope both qb's look good and we have 1 and 1A, and they both get some time. I am not a fan of annointing a starting qb and then continually giving him the ball even when it is clear he is having an off day.
Some of you guys are funny, making judgments on a QB who has made a grand total of 28 attempts.

He looks just fine in the linked video.

Didn't people complain when Nova got the starting job because he was the "best QB in practice"?

This post was edited on 4/11 10:15 AM by Knight Shift

Laviano Video
Originally posted by Knight Shift:
Some of you guys are funny based, making judgments on nothing.
i fixed that for you. thats what most of the new threads crying have been about. its spring practice and theyre already out in full force crying.
It's understandable--we lost our 4 year QB and we face a huge question as to who will start. And this is a message board we like to ponder these and imponderable things. But as others have said, it is far too soon to make a call on the QB. Laviano's game experience is helpful but meaningless IF he is completely beaten out by one of the other QBs in the running for the starting job. Likewise, Rettig's 4 star rating and "playing" for LSU is absolutely meaningless unless he can beat out the other QBs. Base on high school film alone (which is not the best indicator), I like Gio's film the best.
I really think all of our quarterbacks have the opportunity to be very good quarterbacks in the Big Ten. I don't think we'd ever really had a QB competition with this amount of talent before. I'm confident that the QB who wins out will have a solid season because there is really a lot of weapons on this team.