
"Some people live an entire lifetime, and wonder if they have made a difference in the world. Marines don't have that problem." Ronald Reagan

Thanks for serving.
My dad came from a broken family, grew up dirt poor in the hard scrabble town of Minorsville, Pa. He enlisted in the Marines at age 16 to escape poverty and do something with his life. A few years before he passed in 2012 we applied to the state of NJ and got him NJ License plate that honored hi Underage enlistment and service. He said it was the best present he ever got, and he always pointed to being in the Marines for making him a man, and giving him the discipline to make something of his life.

My son's 2 close friends reported for basic training in Paris Island this past weekend, and it was great to show them pics of my 16 year old in his Marine uniform. Then I looked up at them, and these 18 year old guys seemed almost as young as my dad. They admitted to being very nervous but excited as they were leaving the very next day. We plan on having a party for them when they return home after graduation.
Abro1975. Thanks for the story about your Dad. We all appreciate his sacrifice.

Had a friend at RU whose Dad was a Marine in WW2. At age 16 he was in the first wave at Iwo Jima. Out of roughly 100 men in his company, he was one of 10 that survived the battle. Like your Dad he was a KID serving his country.

At this point in my life, 51, I have never, nor will I ever come close to what they did.

Shake a Vet's hand tomorrow, and tell him or her Thank You.
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