Michael Dare?

He gets no mentions by the staff. maybe he is looking at options

I saw the interview with Mehringer. It was weird when talking about QB's he specifically named Chris, Hayden, Gio, then said "...and all the way down to our walk-on Jack Clements."

He named every QB EXCEPT Dare. Very strange.

Got to believe it's looking like he is heading out for other options.
He's obviously not the prototypical QB for this offense. That being said, he's a freshman why not wait until after spring ball to deem him gone?
If your dream is to be a starting QB, it's got to be a tough to deal with a lot of system changes and competition. If your dream is to play big time football and just try to help a team win, at some point you might want to look into a position change.

I know of one football person who held on too long to his dreams of being a QB, and even though coaches were able to convert him in to a linebacker that contributed, that wasn't enough for him.
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No coach wants to start a RS-freshman in this league given the caliber of defenses they'd be facing.

And with 3 more experienced QB's on the team, I'm sure the staff is viewing this year purely as a "sit and learn" year of Dare. He would have to blow the coaches away to even be considered as the starter given the experience gap.

And, yes, Mehringer mentioned Clements ... but not in the context that a player would want to be mentioned.
Don't understand the need to speculate and say a player is looking to leave when you have nothing to back it up. There have been lots of QBs who switch to receiver and tight end, and do so successfully, and even go to the next level. DC Jefferson and Braxton Miller come to mind. So until somebody has a statement from the player, it's best to just leave it alone and not start rumors and speculation.
At 6'5,225, I'd sure try to talk him into a different position, if in fact they don't see him as a QB, and I haven't seen that stated anywhere yet. I'm sure after the spring game, we'll all have a answer to that.
At 6'5,225, I'd sure try to talk him into a different position, if in fact they don't see him as a QB, and I haven't seen that stated anywhere yet. I'm sure after the spring game, we'll all have a answer to that.

Well Ash flat-out said, in the 1st practice video, "we've got 3 QB's out there..." and he was talking about Laviano, Rettig, and Gio. Kinda tells the whole story right there IMHO.
IMO, I get the felling that he has informed the staff of his plans, but, since he is finishing out the semester, he was allowed to work out with Parker to get in better shape and practice.
IMO, I get the felling that he has informed the staff of his plans, but, since he is finishing out the semester, he was allowed to work out with Parker to get in better shape and practice.

Wow, you've invented quite a story for yourself. Sorry, just found it funny.

Could a 4th string QB leave? Heck walk on Devin Ray left and was fighting for the starting job at Monmouth before an injury ended his season during summer camp. Of course he could transfer. He could also stick around because he likes the school and his teammates.

I'd say the fact of the matter is even in Spring practice there just aren't enough reps to go around. Add in the installation of a new offensive system and guys down the depth chart are going to be left out by necessity. Ash and Co just don't have the luxury of time to give everyone on the roster an equal chance. Of course it sucks for the kids left out but nothing in life is completely fair.
I was surprised to hear DM mention names when he talked about the QB competition. That is card you don't even touch this early into spring practice. Coach speak is to be as vague as possible and avoid committing names to any depth chart unless there truly isn't a competition. He could have easily glanced over the three top guys or just as easily mentioned the top three and Dare. The fact he mentioned a PWO's name into the competition is pretty remarkable. I have to think Clements is making an impression for his name even being inserted into a presser. Hell, I was a walk on and I don't even think the coach new my name until my Jr year.

I think with the addition of Oden this summer it will cause the exodus of at least two qbs unless they have no intentions of ever starting. I tend to think you see Dare and Rettig leave. No bases just a feeling!
I was surprised to hear DM mention names when he talked about the QB competition. That is card you don't even touch this early into spring practice. Coach speak is to be as vague as possible and avoid committing names to any depth chart unless there truly isn't a competition. He could have easily glanced over the three top guys or just as easily mentioned the top three and Dare. The fact he mentioned a PWO's name into the competition is pretty remarkable. I have to think Clements is making an impression for his name even being inserted into a presser. Hell, I was a walk on and I don't even think the coach new my name until my Jr year.

I think with the addition of Oden this summer it will cause the exodus of at least two qbs unless they have no intentions of ever starting. I tend to think you see Dare and Rettig leave. No bases just a feeling!

But the mention of Clements was a "top to bottom" statement with the guys in the middle not specifically named. No bases?
I wonder if it's possible people might be reading way too much into a young coach's comments.

Nah. That couldn't possibly be true.
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BASIS sorry! Here is my point! Coaches never use extremes in discussions. They never unintentionally mention names. Every name that is mentioned is with guarded or planned intention. The fact that he mentioned Clements name in presser is highly unusual even if he wanted to make a point. Lav to Dare and anyone scholarship player in between are news worthy. PWOs don't hit the podium. Unless they are inserting it for reason a PWO name is just not mentioned. to me its like an unwritten rule. I have heard Lav, Gio, Rettig and a PWO named discussed at the qb position to me that is pretty interesting. Nothing more. I just think it is highly unusual.

Any other PWOs mentioned in another position?
will people ever stop making up bullshit on here?

Player A isn't starting, he must've left the team
Rettig isnt starting, he mustve left the team
Turay must be annoyed that Ash doesn't idolize him

Posters had players leaving after the first workout, the meetings with Ash and the Valentines Day Massacre.
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Dare was mentioned as participating in passing drills in today's spring practice article.