MLax Bartolo

As the article said, there was no bitterness towards Penn. He couldn't play. But I'm sure he'd love to beat them.
Of particular interest to me was reading about his growth spurt and how that affected his game (both good and bad). I'm seeing it firsthand with my own kid who is 5 foot 10 in 8th grade and only 135 lbs. As a dad you look forward to the inevitable growth spurt not really imagining that it comes with some detrimental awkwardness for a while. It's both fun and frustrating for player and parent.
It happens. I went from 5’9 140 in 9th grade to 6’2” 175 by the time I graduated. I graduated. There were a couple awkward months in there lol

Mitch is a great kid. The roster is filled with them. It’s amazing their team GPA is over a 3.5.

Just really proud of what is going on in the program. They are very easy to support.