Julie Hermann met with the team after practice and voiced her support for Flood and the program...Players seemed to be appreciative that she was there...I spoke with a bunch of players and their basic message was that they cannot control what other people dfo and they are going to remain focused on what they can control...Robert Martin said he was shocked to hear about the Leonte Carroo incident while Chris Laviano said he really could not comment because he did not know the details. Laviano also said he did not speak to Leonte...JPO said he spoke to him and was very forthcoming about everything. I will have an article with him later...Quentin Gause had a very positive attitude, emphasizing the importance of p[laying Penn State and staying focused. He said 'distractions can destroy a team...On the lighter side of things, Janarion Grant's dreds have their own twitter account. He shared a few laughs about that...more to follow.